Electrathon Alabama participants zip toward another fantastic finish at Barber Motorsports Park

Keisa Sharpe

Barber Motorsports Park was filled with the whir of electric vehicles as participants in Electrathon Alabama converged on the park under sunny skies Monday, April 15.

“Each year the competition and participation grow,” said Robin White, Electrathon coordinator and Alabama Power Project Manager.

“We saw 19 high schools and six professional and collegiate teams enter a grand total of 37 cars. We appreciate everyone who participated.”

Electrathon provides both educational and competitive opportunities for students.

One team, Bob Jones High School out of Madison, has participated for the past four years and although they aren’t technically competing with other schools, Electrathon gives them an opportunity to test their vehicles. The students assembled their vehicle without the help of a teacher.

Bob Jones High School boasts national championship wins three years in a row in Greenpower USA competitions.

Adam Bastien is a senior at Bob Jones High and one of the drivers in the Electrathon competition. “We enjoy this competition because it is a well-put-on race with lots of teams,” said Bastien.
Ben Runyon works as the general mechanic for the team.

“Both the coolest and most annoying part of this competition is working with a team,” said Runyon.

More than 350 people turned out for the annual event. Students also enjoyed a plug-in electric car show featuring vehicles from BMW, Chevrolet and Ford.

Electrathon sponsors include Alabama PowerSKY (Skilled Knowledgeable Youth) and Zoom Motorsports and Barber Motorsports Park.

Here’s a look at the winner’s from Electrathon Alabama:

Open Class – Professional/College

1st Place:  #48 University of Southern Florida
2nd Place: #365 Tampa Bay University
3rd Place:  #321 Archer Racing

Electrathon High School

1st Place:   #22 Dothan Technology Center
2nd Place:  #115 Walker County Center of Technology
3rd Place:   #251 Spanish Fort High School

Green Power High School

1st Place:   #5 Bob Jones High School
2nd Place:  #1 Bob Jones High School
3rd Place:   #314 Grissom High School

(Courtesy of Alabama NewsCenter)

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