TUSCUMBIA, Ala. — Famed neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson gained national notoriety for his speech at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, during which he criticized ObamaCare and warned of America’s “moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility” as President Obama sat just a few feet away. On Sunday, Carson took aim at another Democrat, this time one right here in Alabama, 5-term incumbent Roger Bedford.
Carson endorsed fellow doctor Larry Stutts, who is challenging Bedford for his Senate District 6 Seat in Tuesday’s General Election.
“Dr. Stutts is exactly the kind of person I have been traveling all over this country looking for to get involved,” Carson said. “The people of Senate District 6 are indeed blessed to have a God-fearing man like Dr. Stutts, who I know has the character and integrity to represent the state in a way that will bring honor to the people of the district. If I were a citizen of Senate District 6, I would enthusiastically go to the polls on Tuesday and vote for Dr. Stutts. But since I can’t vote in Alabama, I am asking you to prayerfully consider voting for Dr. Stutts.”
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead released a statement Sunday evening touting the endorsement and pointing out what he believes are similarities between Carson and Stutts.
“I am very excited that Dr. Carson has announced his support for Dr. Stutts,” said Armistead. “There are many similarities between the two men. They both agree that ObamaCare has been a disaster, and are committed to develop an alternative that will lower the cost of health care for all citizens. They also have the same view on the Founding Fathers’ belief that we should have citizen legislators and not career politicians. In his book, America the Beautiful, Dr. Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: ‘I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country.’
“America and Alabama are very fortunate to have individuals, like Dr. Carson and Dr. Stutts, who love our country and state and are willing to put themselves in the public arena, even though it comes at a personal cost to them and their family. I have come to know both Dr. Carson and Dr. Stutts in the last year and thank God for these men of character and integrity, who have seen a need and are willing to roll up their sleeves to do what they can to turn our nation around.”
Senate District 6 encompasses Colbert and Franklin counties and includes portions of Lauderdale, Lawrence and Marion counties
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