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Doug Jones’ political career didn’t die today — it was murdered

I have told you multiple times that U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) was never going to vote to exonerate President Donald Trump.

His vote was never ever in doubt.

But at least we now have closure.

The dance was obvious. He did the same thing during Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, but in this version of his dishonest theater, Jones even roped in his little boy to help sell it: 22-year-old Carson Jones told us that his daddy was having a hard time eating and sleeping because of the trial. That’s how heavy this was weighing on him.

Except it wasn’t. It was never weighing on him. He knew what he was going to do from the day House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced they were moving forward with this doomed impeachment effort.

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) knew.

The media knew. I knew. You knew. Most importantly, Doug Jones knew.

This was preordained and terribly transparent.

This 100% signals the end of Jones’ time as a senator in Alabama.

But it didn’t have to happen this way. Jones could have continued down his path as the “moderate” senator from Alabama, a moniker the media and their Democrats were willing to let him use in spite of votes on abortion, Kavanaugh, comments on tax cuts, support for Schumer and more.

But that veneer has been demolished by Pelosi and her acquiescence to the type of people who spent the 2020 State of the Union sitting on their hands for a booming economy, veterans, a Presidential Freedom Medal presentation and people whose families were killed by illegal immigrants.

Those are the people that pushed Speaker Pelosi into a no-win situation of an impeachment trial with absolutely no chance of victory because of the desire of a liberal base of left-wing lunatics that are actively attempting to torpedo the Democrats’ chances in a general election against President Donald Trump.

Pelosi, “The Squad” and the media have killed off this man’s career for absolutely nothing.

They already had the base fired up to go against Trump.

They already had a lapdog media ready to jump on every Trump action or statement as one of the worst things that ever happened.

They already had the playing field slanted in their favor and they still had swing state senators and members of the House of Representatives who were able to potentially pull out victories as they did in 2018.

They were winning.

But now they are flailing.

They knew this would hurt swing-state Democrats.

They didn’t care.

This impeachment mess will cause Democrat candidates to lose; Doug Jones will be one of them.

So, just remember when they write his political obituary: his career didn’t die — it was murdered.

Trump will still be president. He is more likely to be reelected now and everyone knew this was the only possible outcome.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN.

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