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Derrick Henry prays ‘in Jesus’ name’ for wisdom & guidance from God at Natl. Prayer Breakfast

(Video above: Derrick Henry delivers closing prayer at National Prayer Breakfast)

WASHINGTON — Heisman-winning University of Alabama running back Derrick Henry delivered closing prayer at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday. With President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama seated just to his right, Henry prayed “in Jesus’ name” for Americans who have fallen on hard times; for his generation, “that they would “seek (the) Lord for guidance and wisdom; and for individuals whom God has given a position of prominence, that they would use their platforms “to help and inspire others.”

“I want to say a very special thank you to Derrick Henry, who gave the closing prayer this morning at the National Prayer Breakfast,” said Alabama Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-AL4), who co-chaired the event. “While this outstanding young man has won the Heisman Trophy, helped The University of Alabama win a national championship, and is poised for a successful career in the NFL, he knows that in the end, his relationship with God is the most important victory in his life.”

Henry’s prayer can be heard in the video above and the transcript is below.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for gathering us here today to hear from these great leaders and these great people, to hear God’s word about unity and us being united as one, and how important it is.

Jesus Lord, I pray for the people who weren’t able to eat breakfast today, people who don’t have clothes on their back or shoes on their feet. I pray that You make them find a way and they have faith in You that they will see better days.

Father God, I pray for the people who have cancer, who suffer every day with pain and heartache, and that You one day will heal them from all the suffering and all the pain.

And Lord, I pray for my generation, that every day we wake up we seek You, Lord, for guidance and wisdom. And that one day we can stand up here and be great leaders, be great people — men and women — to speak on unity — united as one — and how important it is to this country and this world.

And Father God, I pray that we as people here will continue use our platform to help others and inspire others.

And I pray for the food we ate today. I pray that You will bless the hands who prepared this food, and that it will be nourishment to our bodies.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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