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Dale Jackson: Conservative activist Michelle Malkin backs Sessions for Senate, calls Tuberville an ’empty suit’

When conservative commentator and author Michelle Malkin appeared on WVNN radio on Wednesday to discuss President Donald Trump’s immigration executive order, she did not hold back on her opinions about Alabama’s United States Senate race.

Malkin has been fighting for conservative immigration reform in the United States for the last two decades and sees former Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a leader in that fight. She urged Alabama voters to vote against former Auburn football head coach Tommy Tuberville, referring to him as an “empty suit” and blasting him for his comments on immigration.

While touting Sessions, Malkin asked, “Who do we need in the Senate that is an expert on the most existential issue of our time, immigration and national sovereignty?”

She also slammed Tuberville as “some empty suit” who will “just parrot U.S. Chamber of Commerce talking points.”

Malkin went on to explain some of Tuberville’s policy positions that she says undercut both “America First” and President Donald Trump, citing his support for a pathway to citizenship for 800,000 “DREAMers” while 22 million Americans have been misplaced due to the coronavirus pandemic.

When asked about Trump’s endorsement of Tuberville over his former AG, Malkin explained she thinks Trump is being misled by some Republicans in Washington, D.C.

She stated, “The Trump endorsement is repeating the same sort of mistakes we’ve seen when he gives in and listens to the establishment Republicans.”

My takeaway:

Throughout the campaign, Tuberville has said that every misstep he has made is taken out of context or misunderstood. Maybe that is true, but eventually, there is a reason there are so many missteps: inexperience.

Malkin is right. Whether what Sessions did on the recusal was right or not (it was right), he and Trump are in lockstep on all of the important issues that voters should care about.

Sessions was pushing what has become known as the “Trump agenda” while Trump was on “The Apprentice” and giving money to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Sessions is/was/will always be the Godfather of Trump’s ideas. He was undoubtedly the MVP of the Trump campaign.

Alabamians need to decide what they want to represent them.

Do they want “outsider” branding with Tommy Tuberville, who totally loves Trump, or the guy who helped Trump get elected?

When huge Trump supporters in the media like Malkin, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and all of the experts on these major issues, think Sessions is the better candidate, they are probably right.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AMweekdays on WVNN.

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