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Conservatives are right and wrong about Kanye

It has been 13 days since Kanye West praised Candace Owens for her ability to think for herself and her will to stand up to Democrats who wish to see her fail after she shut down a Black Lives Matter protest during an event at UCLA.

Kanye’s seven-word tweet that read ‘I Love the Way Candace Owens Thinks’ created a political firestorm and now has conservatives disagreeing with one another on certain issues. It seems strange, yet it’s very true.

Some conservatives say, “Kanye is a celebrity, we shouldn’t worship him as a political thinker or a conservative leader.”

Other conservatives are saying, “Kanye speaking out in favor of President Trump is much-needed. He is the future for conservatives.”

While both sides in the conservative group are correct on some things, they are wrong in other areas.

Should celebrities be worshipped for their political ideology? I don’t think so. However, that does not mean that we should shut celebrities out of the political realm. Their opinions are sometimes important and can further a movement.

Earlier this week, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) spoke with Politico and weighed in on current comments Kanye made about President Trump. Waters said, “Kanye West is a very creative young man who has presented some of the most revolutionary material in the African-American community, but we also think that sometimes Kanye West talks out of turn and perhaps sometimes he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts.”

“We don’t think that he actually means to do harm, but we’re not sure he really understands the impact of what he’s saying, at the time that he’s saying it and how that weighs on, particularly the African-American community – and for young people in general,” she added. “And I think maybe he should think twice about politics, and maybe not have so much to say.”

Waters’ comments regarding Kanye remind us of the Democrat standard: If whoever is speaking doesn’t speak on political issues from a leftist platform, they must not speak about politics at all. Perhaps Maxine Waters should follow her own advice when it comes to discussing politics.

Shutting out opinions will get us nowhere.

Kanye has a large platform. A platform that is influential enough to help other Americans understand why he is in favor of supporting President Trump. In some sense, Kanye has awakened many people who may not have even cared about politics before he started discussing cultural and political issues.

While I appreciate Kanye speaking out in favor of President Trump and for giving Candace Owens much more powerful voice, I don’t seek to worship him. I also do not believe that he is the future leader for conservatives in America. In saying that, I am not here to argue with anyone on this issue. Celebrities speak out often in favor of their political beliefs. Before we rush to commend a celebrity’s efforts to speak out in opposition of a certain group of people in America, we must think. Sometimes it is better to stay silent, rather than divide a mostly unified group. It is not worth it.

As Kanye continues to tweet about cultural issues, many in the conservative movement have taken it upon themselves to tweet about the issue.

On Tuesday, Infowars host Alex Jones sent out a tweet saying that the program was going to feature Kanye West and Candace Owens.

Shapiro quoted the tweet saying, “No, @kanyewest. No. NO.”

Owens was quick to respond to Shapiro saying, “1) I am not on Infowars today. 2) Disrespecting any platform watched by millions is silly. 3) Please stop telling me and/or Kanye “no”, “can’t” or “shouldn’t”. Advice appreciated. Commands shut down.”

Many users took to Twitter to discuss their concern with what was occurring between the Owens and Shapiro exchange.

Tyler Falwell said:


Flat Mars Man said:


On Thursday, Owens sent out a tweet saying, “There is no drama between Ben Shapiro and I. People who know neither of us can stop weighing in on yesterday’s tweets for attention.”

In an Instagram video, well-known conservative commentator Tomi Lahren said, “I have been skeptical of this Kanye thing from the get-go.” Lahren also released a “Final Thoughts” segment on the issue.

On Wednesday, Candace Owens tweeted to her followers that she would call out Lahren, but that she was blocked by her.

Lahren responded saying:

Owens then said:

No other words were shared between the two, yet much is clear. There are conservatives from all backgrounds that are disagreeing with one another. My message to all of them is to let people do what they wish. Kanye is helping expose a lot of left-wing bias. In-fighting is not worth the hassle. There should be no arguing. Kanye is a self-described free thinker. He is not going to say things conservatives agree with 100 percent of the time. That has to be understood.

Kanye, for the most part, is looking to make it clear that anyone, no matter what race you are, can believe in anything that you want to.

However this plays out, the one thing that is certain is that conservatives will always disagree on some issues. This issue is no different; however, we must allow others to think freely. Do not force your ideology on them. That’s what Democrats succeed in doing.

A Reuters poll reveals that black male approval for President Trump doubled in one week.

That’s good news, not only for conservatives, but for America.

@RealKyleMorris is a Yellowhammer News contributor and host of a radio program that airs noon-2 p.m. Saturdays on 101.1 WDYE

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