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Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

Bentley Advisor Angi Horn Smith in 140 Characters or Less

"...In 140 Characters or Less" is a new feature on Yellowhammer Politics. We'll be interviewing politicians, insiders, activists and other notable figures — with...

[VIDEO] Business Owners React to Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That” Comment

American Crossroads today launched a new web video featuring the reactions of small business owners to President Obama’s speech where he told business owners...

Tuesday Morning Must-Reads

Alabama Politics HUNTSVILLE TIMES: Dramatic police dashboard video shows traffic stop that led to Huntsville officer's firing The city has released a copy of a dramatic...

Join Us for Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day

Chick-Fil-A came under fire from the left last week when their CEO, Dan Cathy, expressed the company's support of the Biblical view of marriage....

What Do Your Favorite Websites Say About Your Politics?

Is it possible that the websites you visit are an indication of your political leanings? According to Engage D.C., that just may be the...

Monday Morning Must-Reads

Alabama Politics DECATUR DAILY: Orr: Restrict SNAP spending State Sen. Arthur Orr is championing a bill to tighten a loophole that allows federal and state aid...

Tea Party Leaders Call on Bentley to Protect Alabama From Obamacare

Alabama's top tea party leaders and groups have joined together to call on Governor Bentley to protect Alabamians from the impending Obamacare tax. Their...

Mapping Out an Electoral College Tie

Using Politico's handy swing-state map, we've created the one possible scenario in which the 2012 Presidential election would end in an Electoral College tie....

Tweets of the Week

Once again, Russia and China snub Obama request in ending the massive slaughter in Syria. Obama has become the world's Rodney Dangerfield— Marty Connors...

Visualization: Alabama's Road to A Billion Dollars in Savings

Governor Robert Bentley on Thursday announced the State of Alabama is on track to reach one billion dollars in annual savings thanks to extensive...

Thursday Morning Must-Reads

Alabama Politics PIEDMONT JOURNAL — Inside the Statehouse: Poll — Alabamians happy with Bentley In a recent reliable poll Alabamians expressed overwhelming satisfaction with the job...

Speaker Hubbard: Dysfunction in Birmingham schools “simply appalling”

MONTGOMERY – House Speaker Mike Hubbard today reacted to the abject dysfunction in the Birmingham City School system saying it is a prime example...

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

Wednesday Morning Must-Reads

Alabama Politics: SECOND FRONT: Bentley’s comments on Romney’s tax returns show up in DNC ad A new ad by the Democratic National Committee features a number...

Daily Links

Alabama Politics: SOUTH UNION STREET - Judge sentences Gilley, Massey, Spicer Country Crossing developer Ronnie Gilley, his chief lobbyist Jarrod Massey and former state Rep. Terry...

First Black Southern Baptist President Opposes President on Gay Marriage

After President Obama announced on May 9th that his views on gay marriage had fully "evolved," many expected a severe push back from the...

Board of Veterans Affairs Names Waggoner and Black Legislators of the Year

The State Board of Veterans Affairs today named Senator Jabo Waggoner and Representative Marcel Black their "Legislators of the Year." Several veterans bills passed during...

Drought Emergency Declared in 33 AL Counties, Farmers Now Eligible for Low Interest Loans

MONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley and Agriculture Commissioner John McMillan announced Friday that farmers in nearly half of Alabama’s counties will be eligible for...

Tweets of the Week

LOL RT @TheDemocrats "Everything bad that's ever happened under …he blames on other people, and that just isn't very Presidential."— Taylor Nichols (@taylornichols) July...

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

Alabama Unemployment Drop Outpacing Rival States

"Based on these percentages, it can be said that the job market in states with new Republican governors is improving a full 50% faster...

Job Gains by Presidential Tenure

I'm a huge fan of infographics, visualizations of data that make the data easier to understand and remember. Political Math has quickly become one...