The Alabama Free Market Alliance (AFMA), a conservative advocacy group headed by Alabama's Republican National Committeeman Paul Reynolds, released a television ad this week...
Southern Progress Action Fund (SPAF), an Arkansas-based liberal group bent on returning Democrats to power in the South is spending over $100,000 to swing...
USCIS, a union that represents roughly 12,000 officers in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, made waves this week when it disclosed that the...
Alabama's incumbent Republican Attorney General Luther Strange is locked in a heated race against Democratic challenger State Rep. Joe Hubbard (D-Montgomery), but it looks...
A spokesperson for Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley responded to speculation that Bentley could be a potential 2016 presidential candidate by simply saying that he's...
The Washington Posts last week published an article titled "Governors to watch for 2016 and beyond" suggesting that Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley should be...
WETUMPKA, Ala. -- Becky Gerritson, President of the Wetumpka TEA Party, called Thursday's U.S. District Court’s ruling to dismiss two lawsuits against the IRS...
Hollow victory: a victory with such a devastating cost that it is tantamount to defeat.
Exactly one week ago today, an indictment was signed, paving...
During a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL3) and Mark White, an attorney for House Speaker Mike Hubbard, both accused Attorney...
Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard held a press conference Tuesday afternoon flanked by dozens of state and local leaders, including legislators, businessmen and local...
AUBURN, Ala. -- Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard has been indicted on corruption charges stemming from a Lee County Grand Jury investigation that has...
In April of 2012, Free Market America, a conservative advocacy organization that promotes free market principles, posted a four-minute, thirty-eight second video on YouTube...
MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange announced in a press conference today that emergency personal responded to a possible Ebola victim from Nigeria...