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(Quiz) Who said it, Barack Obama or Roy Moore?

While Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has been thoroughly lambasted in recent weeks for his outspoken position against same-sex marriage, President Obama...

Shelby: Wall St. regulations are crushing Main St. innovation

WASHINGTON -- US Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) on Tuesday indicated that he plans to use his position as Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee...

Roby warns spending cuts could cripple Army, impact Ft. Rucker

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL2) is warning her colleagues on Capitol Hill that defense cuts brought on by so called sequestration are...

Shelby to tour every Alabama county, as he has every year for 3 decades

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) announced Monday morning that he will once again visit each of Alabama's 67 counties during his annual tour. “Throughout...

(Video) Palmer grills Obama budget director: Your budget ‘defies common sense’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBeVXCgzIrI&feature=youtu.be (Video above: Rep. Gary Palmer grills Obama Budget Director Shaun Donovan during a House Budget Committee hearing on Feb. 4, 2014) WASHINGTON -- Alabama's newest...

Senator rejects Bentley’s tax hike suggestion, pushes further cuts and reforms

TRUSSVILLE, Ala. -- In an op-ed published by the Trussville Tribune, State Sen. Slade Blackwell (R-Mountain Brook) rejected Gov. Bentley's contention that taxes are...

Pollster: Alabama voters want conservatives, not just Republicans

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- According to a year-long Gallup survey of 177,000 Americans, Alabama is the 6th most Republican state in the country. Here are the...

The curious resurgence of Alabama’s most powerful Democrat

In June of last year, Yellowhammer's video crew was in Governor Bentley's office inside the Capitol setting up for an interview when the door...

Rogers: Obama does not have same resolve to fight ISIS as Jordan’s King Abdullah

WASHINGTON -- Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL3) on Thursday expressed concern that he does not believe President Obama has the same resolve to fight...

(Video) Byrne: GOP will deliver ‘better healthcare system for everyone’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccjXxml6DeU (Video above: Rep. Bradley Byrne on Fox Business Feb. 4, 2014) WASHINGTON -- Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL1) appeared on Fox Business Wednesday evening to discuss...

These are Alabama’s 56 ‘failing’ schools, and the options their students now have

http://youtu.be/zlAAJFGipxQ (Video above: The story of Gloria and Keeynaad, an Alabama family helped by school choice) MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Alabama Department of Education released its...

Alabama State Auditor calls for audit of his own office

MONTGOMERY -- Alabama State Auditor isn't a particularly flashy job. The state auditor doesn't usually grab headlines or garner much attention, but Jim Zeigler...

Bentley won’t expand gambling to address budget shortfall

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Gov. Robert Bentley (R-Ala.) alarmed many conservatives this week by openly floating tax raises as a way to close the gap...

Beeker: Alabama should remember ‘We Dare Defend Our Rights’ motto, push back against feds

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Alabama Public Service Commissioner Chris "Chip" Beeker on Tuesday opened the PSC's monthly meeting by expressing his frustration with the federal...

(VIDEO) Sessions to Obama’s Budget Director: Your ideas will never work

http://youtu.be/5dENaCFek0M (Video above: Sen. Jeff Sessions grills Obama's Budget Director Shaun Donovan) WASHINGTON -- Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) on Tuesday turned up the heat on President...

House approves Byrne’s ObamaCare repeal bill

WASHINGTON -- The US House of Representatives voted Tuesday afternoon to repeal ObamaCare in its entirety—the first such vote since the GOP took control...

Intra-Party tensions rise as Boehner calls out Sessions and Cruz by name

WASHINGTON -- In a rare move, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on Tuesday called out two Senate Republicans by name, bringing to the forefront...

Bentley teases ‘bold’ tax hike proposal

MOBILE, Ala. -- Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley told a group of state legislators and Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce members Monday that he is...

Alabama Free Market Alliance says these are the liberal groups to watch in the state

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Conservative free market group the Alabama Free Market Alliance (AFMA) on Monday published their annual list of the liberal groups to...

Byrne bill becomes conservatives’ ObamaCare repeal weapon of choice

WASHINGTON -- Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL1) last week became the center of the push to repeal and replace ObamaCare when news broke that...

ALGOP Chairman says Lewinsky among many reasons Hillary will never be POTUS

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead sent out an email to members of the GOP Monday morning expressing some of the...

Alabama lawmakers blast Obama’s ‘outside the realm of reality’ budget proposal

WASHINGTON -- Three members of Alabama's Congressional delegation unloaded on President Obama's budget proposal Monday, calling it "disappointing," and "outside the realm of reality."...

Sessions: Democrats hiding under their desks afraid to stand up to Obama on immigration

WASHINGTON -- Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions chastised his Democratic colleagues on the Senate floor Friday for refusing to voice opposition to what Sessions describes...

Shelby ‘very interested’ in auditing the Federal Reserve

WASHINGTON -- In an interview with Bloomberg Thursday, Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), the chairman of the Banking committee, signaled support for auditing the Federal...