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Hundreds of Alabamians protest at Planned Parenthood facility in Birmingham

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- After the release of three separate videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials seeking to sell the tissue of aborted human babies,...

Presidential candidate to Cruz Alabama on bus tour

The Shelby County Republican Party announced Wednesday they will be hosting a “Southern Social” with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) and moon pies as part...

The gambling argument every Alabamian should hear

https://youtu.be/OeqMhgr8tFQ (Audio above: Cliff Sims discusses gambling on Yellowhammer Radio) On Wednesday's edition of Yellowhammer Radio, host Cliff Sims delivered a thought-provoking monologue on the gambling...

Robertson: The Alabama Legislature can still finish strong, refuse to raise taxes

The Alabama Legislature caught its share of grief after adjourning from the regular session without passing a budget. The alleged infighting between the House...

Bentley Admin. pushes poll declaring Alabama Republicans want tax increases, not spending cuts

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Yellowhammer obtained Wednesday morning the results of a poll commissioned by the Alabama Council for Excellent Government (ACEgov), a tax-exempt...

Alabama Republican congressional delegation unanimously supports bill reining in harmful regulations

WASHINGTON -- A bill which could drastically roll back many of the costly regulations passed each year by executive agencies won overwhelming support from...

Here’s a first look at Bentley’s latest budget reforms and tax hike proposals

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Wednesday morning Yellowhammer obtained a copy of each bill the Bentley administration sent to legislators to consider during the upcoming special...

Alabamians may save millions after a federal court struck down the EPA’s latest overreach

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals of the D.C. Circuit struck down another regulation created by the Environmental Protection Agency...

Andy Andrews: Dear Alabama, our bubble is shrinking, but all is not lost

(Special to The Yellowhammer News by New York Times bestselling author Andy Andrews) I have long been proud of my heritage.  While unable to trace...

Former AEA leaders say organization is being ‘occupied’ by national teachers’ union

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Former Alabama Education Association (AEA) leaders are lashing out at the teachers' union's current trusteeship under its parent organization, the National...

National anti-tax group pleads with Alabama legislators to refuse to raise taxes

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, sent Alabama's lawmakers a stern letter Tuesday warning them to stop looking for...

Roby introduces bill empowering VA officials to takeover failing veterans’ hospitals

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYQKq3IzHcg&feature=youtu.be (Video above: Congresswoman Martha Roby introduces the "Failing VA Medical Center Act") WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Representative Martha Roby (R-AL2) introduced a bill in the U.S....

Byrne: Out of control mandatory spending has put the American Dream in jeopardy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J48wem5gHXI (Video Above: Congressman Bradley Byrne details the ways the government's out of control spending is harming future generations) WASHINGTON -- With a current national debt...

Palmer: IRS commissioner must go for misleading congress, allowing 24,000 emails to be destroyed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl5RhIZMkAI&feature=youtu.be (Video Above: Rep. Gary Palmer speaks at a House Oversight Committee press conference calling for the removal of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen) WASHINGTON -- Alabama...

Indisputable proof Alabamians have the power to demand the government they deserve

Like many of you, I often grow frustrated with our local, state and national elected leaders, and even occasionally feel powerless as I watch...

Bentley officially orders all Alabama National Guardsmen, recruiting centers, to be armed

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- In the wake of the Chattanooga shooting, in which four Marines and one Navy sailor were killed by a radical Islamist,...

Saban tells this Hillary Clinton story when giving relationship advice to players

University of Alabama head football coach Nick Saban is undoubtedly one of the most powerful people in the state. When he speaks, pretty much...

Alabama Congressional Republicans unanimously support bill defunding ‘Sanctuary Cities’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a vote of 241 to 179, the U.S. House of Representatives approved Thursday the "Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities...

Byrne: Congress must no longer sit on the sidelines, should defund Planned Parenthood (Opinion)

As the proud father of four children (and a new grandfather), I have great appreciation for the value of a human life. Every child...

Bentley abolishes ‘gun free zones’ at rest areas, orders signs removed

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Governor Robert Bentley announced Friday afternoon that he ordered all "no weapons allowed" signs removed from Alabama's rest areas after readers...

Alabama congressman’s takedown of MSNBC host named one of the top 50 soundbites of all time

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mtQyEd-zS4 (Video Above: MSNBC Host Contessa Brewer asks Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks if he has a degree in economics) WASHINGTON -- Friday on the Glenn Beck...

Welcome to the 21st century: Alabama now allowing driver licenses to be renewed online

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The last time you needed to renew your driver license in Alabama how long did you wait in line? Now, many...

Alabama’s Republican Congressmen co-sponsor bills defunding Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON -- Every Republican member of Alabama's congressional delegation has signed on to two bills defunding Planned Parenthood and refusing federal funds to other...

SCOTUS ObamaCare ruling will lead to health insurance premium hikes for 200k Alabamians

Had the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the poorly-named Affordable Care Act in King v. Burwell, almost 500,000 Alabamians could have been spared the...