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Sessions releases shocking graphic showing influx of legal immigrants

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The U.S. Senate Judicial Committee's Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, chaired by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), released this week...

Alabama lawmaker introduces budget amendment slashing Medicaid spending

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A surprise move in the Alabama Legislature Tuesday afternoon has seemingly left the state’s lawmakers with the choice to vote for...

Conservative legislator accuses Alabama Department of Education of fearmongering

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A memo being circulated by Alabama State Superintendent Tommy Bice Tuesday is drawing the criticism of conservative lawmakers who say Bice's...

A play by play of the dramatic third day of Alabama’s Special Session

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Alabama State legislature began day three of its Special Session Tuesday to fill the $250 million hole in the state's...

Tobacco tax goes down in flames in Alabama Legislature

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Among the tax increases initially considered most politically palatable by members of the Alabama Legislature has been a 25 cent-per-pack increase...

Is an ‘Adult Entertainment’ tax the answer to Alabama’s budget crisis? One lawmaker thinks so

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- State Rep. Jack Williams (R-Vestavia Hills) has proposed a 40 percent sales tax on "receipts from the sale of sexually oriented...

Alabama lawmakers react to Obama’s new ‘overreaching’ EPA power plan

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama released the finalized version of the EPA's power plant rule Monday and many Alabama lawmakers are outraged. The new...

Alabama lawmakers introduce law to make sale of aborted baby parts a felony

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- On the second day of the Alabama Legislature's Special Session, Rep. Jack Williams (R-Vestavia Hills) and Sen. Bill Hightower (R-Mobile) introduced...

AG Strange: Obama’s latest radical environmentalist EPA rule will cost 16,000 Alabama jobs (Opinion)

President Obama just announced the latest step in a radical environmentalist agenda that has already given us the Solyndra boondoggle, wasted billions on green...

‘Defund Planned Parenthood’ fails in the U.S. Senate, despite majority, Sessions, Shelby support

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Senate Monday failed to get the 60 votes necessary to overcome a procedural hurdle to block all federal funding to...

Top Alabama senator says there are not enough votes to hike taxes

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Alabama Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh (R-Anniston) told Yellowhammer Monday afternoon that Governor Bentley's (R-AL) more than $300 million in...

Analysis: Alabamians huge losers in Obama’s power plan

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- The White House, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is releasing Monday a detailed update to the Obama administration's power plan,...

Alabama free market group explains how ‘patently ridiculous’ regulations cost $2 trillion a year (Video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es6PlZmX81k (Video Above: The Alabama Free Market Alliance explains the true cost of regulations) The Alabama Free Market Alliance released a video over the weekend describing...

Alabamians will find out this week if ‘Republican’ actually equals ‘conservative’ (opinion)

Alabama lawmakers will convene this week in Montgomery for a Special Legislative Session with the sole purpose of passing a balanced budget. You will hear...

Byrne: Failing to address out-of-control federal spending would be catastrophic for the next generation (Opinion)

At this very moment, the national debt sits at over $18 trillion dollars, and it shows no signs of going down anytime soon. Our...

Alabama school choice scholarship recipients overwhelmingly satisfied with the program

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A survey taken of recipients of the state's first school choice program shows parents are overwhelmingly satisfied with their child's new...

Alabama legislator allegedly shot up his wife’s car with a shotgun

GREENSBORO, Ala. -- Alabama State Rep. Ralph Howard (D-Greensboro) was arrested earlier this week for shooting out the tires of his wife's car during...

Palmer calls for independent investigation in light of disturbing Planned Parenthood scandal

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Disturbed by recent videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials attempting to sell the tissue of aborted babies, Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL6)...

New VA Accountability bill backed by Alabama GOP Congressmen earns veto threat from Obama

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. House passed a bill Wednesday giving the Department of Veterans Affairs more power to remove underperforming employees in an effort...

Hundreds of Alabamians protest at Planned Parenthood facility in Birmingham

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- After the release of three separate videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials seeking to sell the tissue of aborted human babies,...

Presidential candidate to Cruz Alabama on bus tour

The Shelby County Republican Party announced Wednesday they will be hosting a “Southern Social” with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) and moon pies as part...

The gambling argument every Alabamian should hear

https://youtu.be/OeqMhgr8tFQ (Audio above: Cliff Sims discusses gambling on Yellowhammer Radio) On Wednesday's edition of Yellowhammer Radio, host Cliff Sims delivered a thought-provoking monologue on the gambling...

Robertson: The Alabama Legislature can still finish strong, refuse to raise taxes

The Alabama Legislature caught its share of grief after adjourning from the regular session without passing a budget. The alleged infighting between the House...

Bentley Admin. pushes poll declaring Alabama Republicans want tax increases, not spending cuts

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Yellowhammer obtained Wednesday morning the results of a poll commissioned by the Alabama Council for Excellent Government (ACEgov), a tax-exempt...