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House Committee charged with impeaching Alabama Governor still on pause

On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee discussed concerns over the paused impeachment process against Governor Robert Bentley. Central to the meeting were issues that...

Alabama marriage license elimination bill one step closer to law

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Alabama State Senate passed a bill that would eliminate the use of marriage licenses and would instead require that marriages...

How The Media’s Hypocrisy Only Serves To Benefit President Trump (opinion)

By Bennett Naron Many Americans are both confused and frustrated by the media’s handling of President Trump. The media seems to, overall, fall into one...

Once-detained Alabama mother speaks out in favor of travel ban

By Kellie McIntyre from 4 Worn Passports My concern for the oppressed people of the world took root in my childhood in the 1970’s. I...

Alabama Senators praise President Trump’s travel ban

Alabama's Senators are standing behind President Trump after he issued a new executive order placing a 90-day ban on travel to the United States...

Alabama Senator prepares to roll back burdensome financial law

Senator Richard Shelby has long planned to use his powerful position on the Senate Banking Committee to roll back regulations on community banks and...

Jeff Sessions and the Russians: The Facts of the Matter

The Washington Post, CNN, and a host of others have spent the past week calling the actions of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions into...

President Trump surprises Alabama students on White House Tour

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A field trip to the White House is an adventure on its own, but meeting the President of the United States...

Lawsuit filed against Alabama Governor over special election date

A new lawsuit filed against Robert Bentley alleges that the governor illegally delayed a special election to replace former U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions. Alabama Auditor...

Alabama House and Senate lawmakers to hold impeachment meetings

An effort to impeach Governor Robert Bentley could gain new life this week, as the House Judiciary Committee will meet on Tuesday to meet...

What’s Really Behind the Left’s Recent Attacks on Congressman Palmer (opinion)

The election of Donald Trump has created hysteria among the far left members in the Democratic Party. With the repeal of Obamacare on the...

Alabama disabled veteran gives powerful testimony on Capitol Hill

On Tuedsay, a disabled Alabama veteran delivered a powerful testimony to the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. The moving moment came from David Riley, a...

Trump: attacks on Sessions, administration are a ‘total witch hunt’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Following the emerging allegations that Jeff Sessions improperly tied himself to Russian authorities during the 2016 presidential race, President Donald J....

Lack of Common Core training leading to massive Alabama learning gaps

The oft-maligned Common Core Standards were developed back in 2009 by a joint effort by state leaders, including governors and state commissioners of education...

Alabama Republicans react to Sessions hysteria

On Wednesday , allegations began swirling that Attorney General Jeff Sessions held improper meetings with Russian diplomats. Since then, the former Alabama Senator has...

Breaking: Sessions recuses himself from Russia probe

As allegations heat up that Attorney General Jeff Sessions improperly tied himself to Russian authorities during the 2016 presidential race, the former Alabama Senator...

Anti-free market bill seeks to limit abilities of Alabama small loan industry (opinion)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- One Alabama Republican wants to increase regulations on the small loan industry and introduced a bill to cap the amount of...

AL Congressman commends cooperation between Trump and Ryan

Congressman Gary Palmer sat down with Yellowhammer Radio co-hosts, Andrea Tice and Scott Chambers to discuss a recent town meeting in Hoover, AL and...

BREAKING: Alabama House Republicans select new majority leader

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- In the wake of last week's resignation of Rep. Micky Hammon (R-Decatur) as the House Majority Leader, Republicans have selected Rep....

Secrets: State won’t disclose visitor records for Alabama Governor’s Mansion

If you're curious to know who may have frequented the Governor's Mansion since 2012, it seems you're out of luck. WHNT News says that the...

Alabama Republican sponsors resolution encouraging classroom discussion of intelligent design

As several states work to push back against attacks on religious liberty, one lawmaker in Alabama is hoping to reintroduce discussion of intelligent design...

Alabama Congressional Delegation praises Trump for his joint-session speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald J. Trump gave his first speech to a joint session of Congress last night and laid out his plans...

Rep. Jack Williams Organizes Public Forum on Eradicating Opioid Addiction in Alabama

By Bennett Naron, Senior Student of Political Science at Samford University On Tuesday, February 27th, Samford University hosted a pubic forum on stopping opioid addiction...

Alabamians cannot let a small minority speak for us

At 8:00 a.m., Phones rang at Jewish community centers across the country. When workers answered, they faced the frightening position of hearing someone issue...