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Heard in the Hallway: Alabama Power has a new director of legislative affairs

  Yellowhammer News just heard in the hallway that R.B. Walker has returned to Alabama Power as its director of legislative affairs after serving more...

Well-known corporations, Hollywood elites and unions helped fund the deceptive campaign ad that targeted black voters in Alabama’s Senate race, and the PACs plan...

That deceptive campaign ad that targeted Alabama’s black voters, warning them that their “community” would know if they didn’t support then-candidate Doug Jones because...

With slow growth, Alabama at risk of losing seat in Congress

  If the decennial redistribution of seats in the House of Representatives occurred this year, Alabama would be OK. Unfortunately for the Yellowhammer State, the census...

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Murdock to resign, expresses interest in possible Senate race

  Alabama Supreme Court Justice Glenn Murdock announced Thursday he will resign effective Jan. 16 to purse “other professional opportunities,” telling Yellowhammer News he is...

Heard in the Hallway: Business Council of Alabama funds political news website, Alabama Daily News

    Yellowhammer News just heard in the hallway that the Business Council of Alabama has, at least in part, funded the launch of a new...

Parents, please teach your kids respect of country, flag and president

  As a society, many parents are failing. Not only are they failing themselves, they are also failing their children. This “failing” has a lot...

With 2018 election looming, Alabama lawmakers anticipate low-key legislative session

  Don’t expect the Legislature to tackle big, long-simmering problems in the legislative session that begins this month. As is typical during years when members of...

7 Things You Should Be Talking About Today: Papadopoulos continues to be a problem for Trump, Governor Ivey attacked by grinches, Paul Finebaum is...

  1. Latest headache for President Donald Trump comes from a former campaign staffer, George Papadopoulos. --- The New York Times alleges that a drunk Papadopoulos...

$$$: Roy Moore can spend his leftover campaign cash in a variety of ways

  Failed Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore may have solicited funds for a recount that never happened, but federal election law gives him wide latitude...

Read it for yourself: Here’s the full legal complaint filed by Roy Moore

  Defeated Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore filed a complaint in Montgomery County Circuit Court last night seeking to block the formal certification of Democrat...

Roy Moore files complaint to stop Doug Jones certification

    Defeated Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore late Wednesday filed a complaint seeking to block the formal certification of Democrat Doug Jones’ victory in this...

Roy Moore campaign claims ‘election fraud’ in his recent defeat

  Late Wednesday evening, the U.S. Senate campaign for former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore announced it had filed a complaint on behalf...

Efficient? New report shows Alabama has nation’s leanest Medicaid program

  Alabama runs the nation’s leanest Medicaid program, according to statistics released last week by a federal agency. The annual report by the Medicaid and CHIP...

Alabama’s 2017 ‘Naughty & Nice’ list released by the Alabama Policy Institute

The Alabama Policy Institute staff made a list and we’re checking it twice as we think back on 2017 and what was “naughty” or...

Polling in Alabama Senate race was not as bad as you think it was; one firm nailed it

  About those polls. On a day when Republican Roy Moore’s faint flicker of hope died — the Alabama secretary of state’s office reported Wednesday that...

Kay Ivey: Tax cuts, code simplification ‘will bring much needed relief to Alabama families’

  Gov. Kay Ivey reacted to the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act earlier today by calling it “historic” and declaring it a...

Shelby, Strange applaud tax bill — claim it boosts economy, makes tax code ‘simpler and fairer’

  Late Tuesday after the U.S. Senate passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Sens. Richard Shelby and Luther Strange offered remarks praising...

Tax cuts will create 4,600 Alabama jobs, raise family income across the state by $519, study says

    The tax cut bill on track for passage today will create 4,632 jobs in Alabama and boost the income of the average middle-income family...

Want our trust? The 7 things an elected official MUST do to gain it

          Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: TOM LAMPRECHT:  Harry, anyone following the news realizes that the House Judiciary Committee had somewhat of a...

LISTEN: Mo Brooks: Rep. Mike Rogers personally warned Mitch McConnell of consequences of his Luther Strange strategy

  Monday in an appearance on Birmingham’s Talk 99.5 “Matt & Aunie Show,” Rep. Mo Brooks offered listeners an update on his status following the...

LISTEN: Alabama Democrat Rep. Sewell: ‘I Do Believe’ Democrats sometimes take African-American votes for granted

  U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Birmingham), one of the key allies of Sen.-elect Doug Jones during this year’s U.S. Senate special election campaign, discussed her...

Who really embarrasses Alabama: Roy Moore’s surrogate or smooth talking Doug Jones?

  By now many Alabamians have watched the campaign clip that had the rest of the country laughing at us for days: former Shelby County...

WATCH: Doug Jones: I think we would have beaten Roy Moore even without Washington Post allegations

  On this weekend’s broadcast of “CBS Sunday Morning,” Sen.-elect Doug Jones discussed his unlikely special election victory. Jones reminded viewers that before Alabama had transitioned...

GOP needn’t despair about Alabama

    Republicans should not be disheartened by Roy Moore's loss in Alabama, because the election had little to do with Doug Jones -- and probably...