Opinion — Page 129

7 Things: Europe and Canada blink on trade, Alabama TV station spreading fake news is confirmed, AG Jeff Sessions is safe and more …

Audio shows Mobile’s NBC 15 misled public about Kay Ivey — Alabama's scumbag political class tried to weaponize it

7 Things: Trump targets social media for suppressing conservatives, fake news excites liberals as they smear Gov. Kay Ivey, Sen. Richard Shelby has an interesting day and more …

Fake news: Mobile NBC station fails to tell the whole story and Alabama's liberals pounce a week later

7 Things: New framework for U.S./Mexico deal, Ivey follows Trump's lead on lowering the flag, tax cuts benefit Alabama and more …

7 Things: Alabama politicians react to Sen. John McCain's death, Rep. Mo Brooks continues pointing out dangers of illegal immigration, Trump's approval rating unchanged but not great and more …

7 Things: Trump hits Sessions again, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones votes to keep funding Planned Parenthood, Maddox is hanging around with convicted felons who can't vote and more …

Talking to Ivey and Maddox about the lottery is great, but they don't have anything to do with it actually happening

7 Things: President Donald Trump may be considering a pardon against GOP wishes, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks slams Democrats as Elizabeth Warren downplays illegal alien murderer, Democrats want to pause Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings, and more …

7 Things: Trump allies' very bad legal day, Alabama GOP Chair slams Democrats for their dysfunction, illegal alien murders a college student and more …

7 Things: Trump worries about a 'perjury trap,' Alabama Democratic chairwoman calls Sen. Doug Jones racist, Governor Kay Ivey tries to save a U.S. House seat and more …

Steve Bannon is right, Trump's hardcore loyal base is wrong -- You need 'the establishment' to protect the House and the president

7 Things: Alabama's economy keeps humming, Alabama's Congressional incumbents look to fare well, more Trump administration drama and more …