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Guest Opinion

Alabama school boards are choosing systems over students by calling for scholarship repeal

Boards representing three of the state’s largest public school systems – Mobile, Baldwin and Montgomery counties – recently passed resolutions calling for a repeal of Alabama’s...

Andy Andrews: President George H.W. Bush memories

Yes, he was 94. Still, I am sad about the passing of President George H.W. Bush. What a great and honorable life he lived. And...

A perfect day to celebrate Alabama’s beer history

Today, beer lovers across the country are celebrating the 85th anniversary of the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which made alcohol legal again. It’s a historic...

Byrne: ‘I am committed to trying to get a few more wins for Alabama and America before the next Congress starts’

Some of the greatest sporting events in history have come down to the wire. Those bottom of the ninth, fourth and inches, double-overtime plays...

Treading water on economic freedom

Economic freedom means the ability of individuals and businesses to contract freely with each other. The Fraser Institute recently released its 2018 Economic Freedom...

Roby: Border security is a priority for Alabamians

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, one of my jobs is to work alongside my colleagues to see that the government is...

Rep. Rogers: The season of giving across East Alabama

Every year during the Christmas season, I like to highlight just a few of the things folks across East Alabama are doing for each...

Byrne: ‘Border security is national security’

There are no two ways about it: illegal immigration is illegal. The images of a caravan of illegal immigrants trying to push across our...

Zeigler: A lifestyle of Thanksgiving

Settlers in Massachusetts held the first Thanksgiving celebration in the New World in 1621. George Washington issued a proclamation creating the first Thanksgiving Day...

Roby: A season of thanksgiving and rebuilding

Thanksgiving is a uniquely special holiday because it provides us an entire day each year to pause as a country and give thanks to...

Byrne: Let us give thanks

On October 3, 1863, President Lincoln issued a Proclamation on Thanksgiving establishing the fourth Thursday of November as a national holiday, encouraging every American...

Where is your theology? An internal political assessment

With the conclusion of the 2018 midterm elections, I have one question, specifically for the faith-based community: Where is your theology? If you conduct a...

Byrne: Words cannot express our gratitude to those who served

One hundred years ago, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the world’s largest, deadliest and costliest...

Martha Roby: YouthBuild Eufaula is making a difference in Barbour County

Did you know that there are an estimated 4.9 million 16 to 24-year-old individuals in this country who are not in school and are...

The cost of employees

Most Americans have to work for a living. We must trade for the goods and services we want to consume, and for most of...

The Lodge at Gulf State Park opens with great fanfare

The fanfare that accompanied last week’s ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open The Lodge at Gulf State Park, a Hilton Hotel, was unprecedented, a fact...

The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles will be held accountable

The members of the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles aren’t doing their jobs. In July, Jimmy O’Neal Spencer was charged with the brutal killings of...

Lawmakers must see the road ahead: Modernizing our transportation system benefits us all

Alabama’s manufacturing industry has always been at the heart of our state’s economy. Even today as Alabama’s economy is growing, the manufacturing sector is...

Stand for life — Vote yes on Amendment Two

As women, mothers and as the supporters of many other young mothers and their children, we have watched with outraged disbelief the absurd attacks...

Byrne: No place, no time for hate

At a recent church service, the sermon focused on the 12th chapter of Mark’s gospel, which describes Jesus’ answer to a question from a...

Roby: Reflecting on October

There have been several exciting, noteworthy developments for our district, state, and country lately. For starters, now that November is upon us, President Trump...

Fake news and the market for ideas

Traditional social media have been criticized recently for purveying fake news. California may form a commission to investigate stemming fake news, while Congressional hearings...

Rep. Gary Palmer: There is a Republican plan to cover pre-existing conditions and the House already passed it

Here is a fact that Democrats are desperately trying to keep from the public: Not only do Republicans support providing health insurance coverage for...

Byrne: Our farmers are our future

This past week, I had the pleasure of visiting many fine farmers and foresters throughout Southwest Alabama to learn more about the incredible work...