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Guest Opinion

The future is coming: What do you want it to look like?

The future is on its way to Alabama. That is inevitable. What the future will bring is not. But there is a potential future that many...

Mooney: Why every day should be Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

As a nation, we recently mourned on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, the almost 62 million babies of all races killed by abortion since...

State Rep. Terri Collins: Why I am endorsing Bradley Byrne for Senate

After considering all the candidates, I am endorsing Bradley Byrne in the Republican Primary for Alabama’s U.S. Senate seat. Over the years, I’ve worked with...

The refugee question

Alabamians have been watching in recent weeks to see how Alabama will handle the question of refugee resettlement. Other Republican governors have been split...

Sessions: Making Alabama’s judiciary great again

President Trump has done a tremendous job nominating smart, qualified and tough conservative judges to the federal judiciary. But there are a lot more...

Byrne: Impeachment is nothing to smile about

For three years now, the American people have been forced to endure the efforts by Democrats and the liberal mainstream media to impeach President...

Byrne: More important than ever to fight for the Second Amendment

Once again, the radical left has taken things too far. Recently, the Virginia legislature voted to put unconstitutional restrictions on law abiding citizens regarding...

Animal welfare and economics

Dog owners in Canberra, Australia, must now walk their companions daily or face a $2,700 fine, due to a 2019 animal welfare law recognizing...

Steve Flowers: Methodists have dominated high offices in Alabama history

Even though there are more Baptists than Methodists in Alabama, historically Methodists have held more of the prominent political posts in the Heart of...

Roby: More flexibility for America’s working parents

The American workforce has witnessed considerable change in dynamics during the 21st Century: it is more diverse than ever before. Statistics consistently show the percentage...

Preventing preventable crimes

It seems like every time I look at the news there is another case of a missing person. Every one of these cases is...

Rogers’ report from Washington: The situation with Iran and Democrats

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In this new year and decade, the world remains a very dangerous place. Recently, President Trump had the opportunity to take out...

When it comes to health care, one-size-fits-all benefits none

Alabamans face enough challenges when it comes to accessing high-quality, comprehensive health care — particularly in our many rural communities where families are more...

Guest: Time to give equal recognition to all Cherokee County veterans who died in WWI, WWII

It is time for the monument in front of the Cherokee County Courthouse to be retired and replaced with a new monument that will...

Alabama and the critical importance of small cells

The United States is in the midst of a wireless revolution. With the deployment of fifth-generation (5G) technology, American consumers are about to see...

Byrne: With Soleimani dead, the world is safer

You may not have known his name, but the most dangerous man in the Middle East has finally received justice for a lifetime of...

Prosperity and inequality

The world has achieved an unprecedented level of prosperity. Economist Deirdre McCloskey has labeled this the Great Enrichment. For the first time in human...

Roby: We can all help fight human trafficking

The state of Alabama reached several significant milestones and experienced many successes in 2019. We commemorated the 200th anniversary of Alabama’s statehood, saw a...

Byrne: Fighting the swamp spending culture

The national debt of our country now stands at a staggering $23 trillion. By failing to act, we are placing an unearned and undeserved...

Ainsworth: President Trump continues keeping his promise to make America great again

Trump Derangement Syndrome has reached epidemic level among extremist liberals and their allies in the national news media, and its symptoms were in full...

How much does government assist the poor?

Americans care about assisting the less fortunate, and over 100 government programs carry out this task. A closer examination, however, reveals that much of...

Roby: Looking back and moving forward

It is hard to acknowledge that 2019 has come to an end, and a new year is upon us. Not only are we stepping...

Tommy Tuberville: Make America fiscally fit again

Federal spending is snowballing out of control. The U.S. government’s national debt is skyrocketing, recently hitting a record high of $23 trillion. While hardworking...

Byrne: 2019 — A year in review

At this time last year, I predicted that the upcoming year with a Democrat majority in the House would be much different. While most...