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Guest Opinion

The pandemic or the lockdown: Which has been worse?

COVID-19 has killed over 200,000 Americans while policies to stem the virus’ spread have caused enormous economic and societal harm. Any comparison must use...

Roby: Fighting for a cure

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual international campaign aimed at increasing awareness of this common disease, with the long-term goal of...

The vice presidential debate that never was

Over the last few election cycles, we’ve become accustomed to seeing the candidates for vice president square off in a debate. Perhaps this is...

Baldwin County: Let’s come together once again this November

Baldwin County has united once again, standing alongside one another to lend a helping hand to fellow neighbors in the wake of disaster. As...

Byrne: A ‘Do Nothing Congress’

Congress was sent home by Speaker Pelosi last Friday without securing a deal with the White House or the Senate on the next COVID...

COVID insurance litigation madness

The United States has witnessed unprecedented economic disruption due to COVID-19. State and local governments closed thousands of “nonessential” businesses. Now, businesses have filed...

Roby: Tips for a healthy fall

It is hard to believe autumn has arrived and the holiday season is right around the corner. As you know, with colder weather comes...

Census undercount poses risks for Alabama

One of the hallmarks of our government is that every state is fairly represented in Congress. It doesn’t matter if you are from the...

NFHS & AHSAA celebrating return to play during National High School Activities Month

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused everyone to hit the pause button on life. During the stoppage and forced time away from routines, many people...

Critics say Trump has no coronavirus plan. Actually, he does – it’s called federalism.

Near the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, critics of President Donald Trump’s response to the novel virus claimed that he didn’t have a plan. They’ve...

Byrne: A new Supreme Court justice

On the Friday night after Hurricane Sally passed, while many of us down here were still digging out and cleaning up and without electrical...

Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court further cements support for Trump in Alabama

It has been since 1976 when Alabama voters last selected a Democrat for president. While Alabama continued to vote for Democrats at the local...

Alabama has $1.4 billion in unspent CARES Act funding. It should go to help you.

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow with millions of extra dollars in your bank account? At some point, most Alabamians have probably...

National Drive Electric EVent in Birmingham to showcase latest EV technology

Imagine there’s a simple way to save your family money, help the environment and support the creation of American jobs in one simple step. It’s...

Socialism and economic education

Opinion polls consistently find that young Americans view socialism favorably. For example, in a recent Gallup poll, 49% of millennials and Gen Z’ers held...

Roby: We must work together to help prevent suicide

Each September, National Suicide Prevention Month is recognized as we draw attention to the causes, warning signs, and treatment options for those affected by...

Gulf State Park section succumbs to Sally’s surge

One aspect of living on Alabama’s beautiful Gulf Coast is the realization that the best-laid plan is no match for Mother Nature. The original plan...

Byrne: Help is on the way after Hurricane Sally

The aftermath of Hurricane Sally has left much of Southwest Alabama in bad shape. From the coasts of Mobile and Baldwin Counties to the...

Playing by the rules: Trump should appoint new Supreme Court justice

For a nation which loves sports as much as our land does, there are still a select few who have yet to grasp the...

ALGOP chair: Doug Jones supports everything Alabamians oppose and opposes everything Alabamians support

Hillary Clinton … Barack Obama … John Kerry … Al Gore … Bill Clinton … Mike Dukakis … Walter Mondale. This rogue gallery of liberal...

Minority religions and the right to seek truth

Chick-fil-A makes delicious sandwiches without beef. But not on Sundays. Owned by Christians, the company also gives away millions of dollars each year to...

Redistricting and Alabama’s room where it happens

No one really knows how the game is played The art of the trade How the sausage gets made We just assume that it happens But no one...

Cheating, trust and prosperity

The Houston Astros played at the Los Angeles Dodgers last weekend for the first time since the revelation of Houston’s sign-stealing during their 2017...

Options in education foster increased opportunities for students

I grew up in poverty. I know what it’s like to be without electricity and to move because the rent is past-due. I’ve lived...