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Guest Opinion

Steve Flowers: We lost some good ones this past year

As is my annual ritual, my yearend column pays tribute to Alabama political legends who have passed away during the year. Sonny Cauthen passed away...

Byrne: Thank you

This is my last weekly report as your congressman. Serving you in Washington these last seven years has been a great honor, and I...

Steve Flowers: Republican majority in the U.S. Senate is more important to Alabama than the presidency

As this 2020 Presidential election year comes to a close, allow me to share some final thoughts on the results with you. As you might...

Justice Will Sellers: History’s most significant event casts a long shadow

The late great U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia often told the story of his oral exam at Georgetown University. To graduate as a...

A Christmas plea against a misspent life

At the Birmingham Museum of Art, in the back and around a corner, is a painting that few care to look at for too...

Hope in the midst of chaos: Christmas reminds the world there is still reason to believe

Writing this holiday column reminds me our nation is nearing the end of one of the most trying and unpredictable years in American history. Divisions...

Rep. Bradley Byrne: Christmas miracles

It’s Christmas week, so let’s talk about some Christmas miracles. No, I’m not talking about that monster hit John Metchie put on Florida’s Trey...

Public health mandates are political

Governments across the country have imposed numerous public health policies to control COVID-19. A prominent one has been requiring the wearing of masks in...

Bart Starr, Jr.: Celebrating the people of Alabama this Christmas season

As 2020 comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on challenges that were unimaginable just twelve months ago. Yet during the Christmas season,...

Rural states counting on Census extension in end-of-year legislation

With the end of the year right around the corner, Congress is working to address some of the most urgent issues facing hard-working families...

Help us stop COVID-19: A letter to the community from the Birmingham-area hospitals

Editor's note: The following is an open letter from the Birmingham-area hospitals to all citizens of Alabama.  Birmingham area hospitals applaud Governor Ivey’s recent extension...

Byrne: The Electoral College

When the members of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 debated how to pick the executive, several options were considered. Some wanted the people to...

Who gets vaccinated first?

Vaccines from Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer are nearing approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Politicians will now decide who will get vaccinated first....

Flowers: Donald Trump has a profound legacy in presidential history, especially if you are a conservative American

Presidential historians and most astute national political observers and chroniclers have concluded that the most profound legacy a president can achieve is the appointment...

Byrne: The good, the bad and the ugly in the new jobs report

Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly jobs report covering November. It contained some good news, some bad news and some...

Phil Williams: The courts are a part of every election

My pastor recently quipped that it felt like we are in the fifth year of 2020. True that. But in the midst of that...

Are we paying twice for COVID medicines?

Two vaccines appear highly effective against SARS-CoV-2, and remdesivir is helping doctors treat severe COVID cases. These products raise challenging questions regarding patents and...

Roby: Remembering our troops this Christmas season

While the holiday season brings family and friends together, it serves as a time to remember our military families and troops overseas. This year...

Public land provides opportunities to hunt rut all season

Most people think the rutting activity of white-tailed deer in Alabama occurs mostly in January and into February. However, if you’re willing to travel,...

Folsom: With smart public policies and teamwork, Alabama can benefit from broadband and bamboo

When people ask how to bring business and jobs to our state, particularly in disadvantaged rural areas, I readily quip...broadband and bamboo. My partners and...

Byrne: A timely victory for the right to freely exercise our faith

On the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling which is a very positive signal for the rights of people...

Guest: Physicians are no longer on the front lines of this pandemic — You are

State Health Officer is a difficult role to fill, especially this year. While partisanship and conspiracies continue to divide us, it is the job...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Harvesting and selling votes

Joe Biden has won the presidential election, although President Trump alleges fraud. Mr. Trump, however, has not yet offered credible evidence of fraud. The...

The Iron Bowl and America’s water pipe

Today will be the 85th playing of the Auburn vs. Alabama football game, and like everything else this year, it will be unique in many...