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Guest Opinion

GameStop madness

A $10,000 investment in GameStop last August would have been worth a million dollars last week. How does the stock of a struggling retailer...

Flowers: Legislative session begins

As the 2021 regular legislative session begins, you will see new leadership in the State Senate. Republicans dominate both chambers, overwhelmingly. They have a...

Justice Will Sellers: The necessity of American leadership in a post-COVID world

Thirty years ago, the world seemed like a more stable place. The United States was at the height of international prowess and had deftly negotiated...

Jerry Carl: President Biden’s war on oil and gas

President Biden enacted a flurry of new executive orders last week, further cementing his decision to bypass working with Congress on any meaningful legislation....

Flowers: Outstanding class of freshman state senators

The 2021 regular legislative session begins next week. Over the years, I have observed some outstanding classes of freshman legislators. Some stand out more...

Is America now a class-based society?

Americans have always been able to achieve based their talents and efforts. Yet several conservatives now argue that liberal policies have entrenched an elite...

Why Alabama’s ‘Rocket City’ is the right choice for U.S. Space Command HQ

The U.S. Air Force’s decision on where to locate the headquarters of the U.S. Space Command has generated controversy, but it shouldn’t have. The...

America’s truckers are an important line of defense against human trafficking

On any given day, there are tens of thousands of people being trafficked into and within the U.S. A large percentage of the victims...

Jerry Carl: Biden’s misplaced priorities

During his first week in office, President Biden has begun reviving failed Obama-era policies, rather than working in a bipartisan manner to move America...

College football overcomes the pandemic

Last year was unlike any other. January 2021, however, offered a familiar sight: Alabama won its sixth national title under coach Nick Saban. The...

Sensible rail regulation works for Alabama

The freight rail industry plays a key role in the Alabama economy, providing an existing and reliable transportation mode for many of the state’s...

‘The Hammer’: A tribute to Hank Aaron, a role model for us all

The following came from my book, Better Than Them, the Unmaking of an Alabama Racist, published by New South Books. I edited the article copy...

Jerry Carl: Commitment to fighting for life

On Friday of this week, our nation will recognize National Sanctity of Life Day. This tradition started when President Reagan issued a proclamation in...

An open letter to President Trump from a former supporter

Dear President Trump, I voted for and supported you, as did 74 million Americans throughout the land, and now we are all absolutely and completely...

Daughter of Tuskegee receives COVID vaccine

As a daughter of the city of Tuskegee, I embrace her proud history. Tuskegee Institute, now University, the prolific George Washington Carver and the...

Will student loans be forgiven?

November’s elections imply we will likely see some Federal student loans forgiven. Current student debt levels reflect the morphing of a reasonable program. Loan...

Despite criticisms, Alabama’s environment is best it’s been since standards were first measured

As the director of the state agency charged with safeguarding Alabama’s environment, I have great respect for and deep appreciation of our state’s wonderful...

Where have all the heroes gone?

As I type these words, I am sitting in my study with three rifles hanging on the opposite wall. They will never fire again....

Justice Will Sellers: The future of America is undiminished by circumstance

It was President Harry Truman who said, “The only thing new in the world is the history you do not know,” and King Solomon,...

Jerry Carl: My first week in Congress

Last week, the House of Representatives met for the opening session of the 117th Congress. Our first orders of business were establishing a quorum,...

Voting on economic policy

Every general election, voters decide ballot initiatives on social and economic policy. These often produce inconsistent results. Last November, Californians voted in favor of...

Flowers: Reapportionment will be paramount issue with legislature

As we close the book on 2020, we will close the door on national politics and get back to the basics: good old Alabama...

DeMarco: Alabama vaccine allocation should reprioritize to protect all seniors and those most vulnerable

Now that there have been two vaccines approved for emergency use in the United States to protect against the coronavirus by the Federal Drug...

SALT name reflects expansion of conservation efforts

Heading into the new year, the foundation that has promoted the conservation of unique habitats in Baldwin County has broadened its scope with its...