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Guest Opinion

Guest: When it comes to COVID vaccines, misinformation puts lives at risk

The COVID-19 vaccines have now been given to millions of people ages 12 and older under the most intense vaccine safety monitoring in history....

DeMarco: Another tragic murder of Alabama police officer shows need for truth in sentencing laws

This past week there were three police officers shot in Alabama in less than 24 hours. Tragically, Sheffield Police Sgt. Nick Risner passed away...

Steve Flowers: We now have a very youthful federal judiciary in Alabama

Our senior senator, Richard Shelby, has left an indelible legacy and imprint on our state. Every corner of the state has been the recipient...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Can Uncle Sam afford any amount of spending?

In 2019, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced the Green New Deal, with a price tag estimated at trillions to possibly tens of trillions of dollars....

Guest: Manufacturing Day – Nothing happens without manufacturing

Nothing happens without manufacturing. There are no planes, trains, nor automobiles to travel in; no homes to keep us safe and comfortable; no air...

Guest: Alabama A&M University, economic engine of North Alabama, prepares to hire next university president

With the selection of its next president, Alabama A&M University (AAMU) is at a pivotal point in its history. In a few days, the...

Carl: President Biden uses disinformation to distract from leadership failures

For months now, I have been making the point that liberal politicians in Washington love creating crisis after crisis to distract the American people...

Katie Britt: Fighting for Alabama’s family farms

American family farms are under attack – both from within our very own country and from China. On top of the inherent uncertainty that they...

The prospects for economic freedom

The 2021 Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) rankings from Canada’s Fraser Institute show freedom essentially unchanged in the United States. But some important...

Flowers: Huntsville is Alabama’s largest city

Huntsville has rocketed past Birmingham as Alabama’s largest city. It is not named the Rocket City for nothing. The Census Bureau had been predicting...

Guests: Alabama has kicked the ‘prison problem’ can for far too long. Today, we pick it up.

The need to address Alabama’s longstanding prison infrastructure challenges is imperative. After many months of education and substantive discussions between the Governor’s Office and the...

Lynda Blanchard: Democrats singing that same old debt-limit song

When Johnny and I first married, times were tough. He was in school, and I was working a minimum-wage job. We had to watch...

John Roberts: Democratic policies hurting labor shortage, inflation

How many of you recently went to a local restaurant only to find a sign on the door that read, “sorry due to the...

Carl: Biden’s energy policies are a tax on the working class

Since the earliest days of his campaign for the presidency, President Biden claimed he would raise taxes only on wealthy people, while not raising...

DeMarco: Alabama leaders must circumvent Biden administration rules that limit treatment options for COVID-19 patients

As the pandemic continues around the nation, one highly effective medication for those that have already contracted COVID-19 is the monoclonal antibody treatment. Thousands...

Justice Will Sellers: Nation building done right

Experience is the practical scientific method. Some things succeed while other things fail; observing the reasons for success should help draft a blueprint for planning...

Why drive electric? Let’s talk dollars and cents

Major automobile manufacturers are going all-in on the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). Like all Americans, Alabamians are hearing more about EVs, seeing more...

Alabama Association of Nurse Anesthetists objects to pausing of access to monoclonal treatments for COVID-19

The Alabama Association of Nurse Anesthetists (ALANA) stands with the Medical Association of the State of Alabama in objecting to the pause in the...

Constitution Day 2021: Celebrating the Bill of Rights

The United States is a relatively young country, but we have the oldest written national constitution. On this Constitution Day, we honor this incredible...

John Merrill: Biden’s vaccine edict

It is obvious that someone in the White House needs to remind Joseph R. Biden that he is the President of the United States...

Meaning behind words: Examining our national anthem

To my own embarrassment, a recent event afforded me a few moments to do something I had not done in quite some time--contemplate the...

Ivey: Let’s empower women and be a voice for unborn children

The notion that one cannot be an advocate for both women and unborn children is simply wrong. Those that pit women against their unborn...

Carl: America needs another September 12 moment

This past weekend, countless people across the globe paused to remember and honor the lives lost in the deadly terrorist attacks on September 11,...

Guest: Fines are not taxes

Local governments establish laws and codes to help structure our social interactions and penalize the rule breakers. The use of fines as a type...