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Guest Opinion

Carl: December madness in Congress

While December is traditionally a busy month in Congress, this December is likely to be one of the busiest in recent years. For months,...

Dale Strong: Thanksgiving is a celebration of giving as well as thanks

One of the first signs of autumn in North Alabama can be observed as the leaves on the trees turn to vibrant colors of...

Guest: Affordable access to care means greater equity and improved health

It’s difficult to believe that nearly two years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in our country. These past two years have been...

Carl: Biden’s war on American energy

Since day one in office, President Biden and his administration have been at war with American energy. Less than a year into his presidency,...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: The‌ ‌start‌ ‌of‌ ‌something‌ ‌new?‌ ‌

Americans have long seen college as a path to a better life and held higher education in high esteem. This is changing rapidly, with...

Steve Flowers: Governor John Patterson’s first lesson

Governor John Patterson, who passed away earlier this year at 99, shared a funny story that occurred during the opening days of his administration. He...

Guest: Land-use decisions are made by local officials, not ADEM

When an industry proposes to locate to an area, nearby residents, businesses and community groups all have a vested interest in what that industry...

Carl: Democrats’ big government spending bill will give billions to illegal immigrants while promoting open border policies

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how the Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar big government spending package is bad for south Alabama, as well as the...

Supporting local businesses on Small Business Saturday

Alabama’s small businesses are doing OK, but they’ve had a rough couple of years, beginning with the pandemic in 2020 and continuing with labor...

Guest: Supply chains and the shortage economy

America is experiencing extended shortages of goods without recent precedent. The global transportation system is heavily congested, with dozens of ocean freighters waiting off...

Flowers: Judge Bobby Aderholt

Alabama has a legacy of great men who have served as judges in our state. Recently, revered, retired, Circuit Judge Bobby Ray Aderholt of...

Charter captains offer views on red snapper management

The following are two guest op-eds sent to the editor in response to U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl's (R-Mobile) op-ed, Federal strings make future uncertain...

Guest: Valuing all

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed to greater public and media attention the disparities in health and health care faced by racial minorities in the...

Carl: Fighting expansion of the IRS

Late in the night this past Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi forced a vote to move forward with the Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar big government spending...

Justice Will Sellers: Avoiding Saigon’s quagmire in Manila

Seventy years ago, the Philippines came within a whisper of being the pre-game for Vietnam. But much like the dog that didn’t bark or the...

Aderholt: Veterans Day is one of the most important national holidays we celebrate

Veterans Day not only has strong support across Alabama, it actually has its roots here. The idea of a national holiday honoring all veterans,...

Beth Chapman: God bless our veterans

What can be said of veterans – those who serve in any of its distinguished branches? The answer is simple – not enough! They...

Flowers: Remembering Jim Preuitt

Jim Preuitt, a legendary House member, state senator and probate judge of Talladega County passed away in September at age 86. Jim was one...

Rogers: Biden policies going to hurt Americans at the checkout line this holiday season

President Trump made strengthening the American economy one of the biggest focuses in his presidency and the results were clear. From middle-class tax cuts...

Guest: Calling on Alabama’s U.S. Senators to reject changes to the Federal Claims Act

The backbone of America’s economy has long been small businesses. Yet, during the pandemic, we got left behind. I watched as stores throughout Alabama...

Beth Chapman: Special session is about ‘simple’ lines on a map

The average Alabamian may not know or care that every 10 years their legislative and congressional district lines are redrawn, but it is vitally...

Carl: Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar big government spending package is bad for South Alabama

For the past few months, Democrats in Congress have been working to pass a massive spending package that would result in an unprecedented expansion...

Guest: Government jobs for all?

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) offers some unconventional policy recommendations based on the United States’ monetary sovereignty. MMT proponents also advocate government guaranteed jobs paying...

Flowers: Redistricting session underway

Every 10 years, the nation has a census count. There is a reason for that dissemination of our population. The United States and concurrently...