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Guest Opinion

Rep. Jerry Carl: More needed for student-athletes’ mental health

Across this nation, nearly 8 million high school students are participating in athletics, and nearly half a million college students compete as NCAA athletes. Last...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Economic freedom and the Pandemic

The 2022 Economic Freedom of the World report confirms what many economists suspected: COVID-19 took a toll on economic freedom in addition to its...

Congressional action needed to combat organized retail crime

Although multiple states have taken steps toward addressing the pervasive issue that is organized retail crime, the plague continues to spread. These are sophisticated...

U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl: We need an economy that’s strong

Americans can no longer afford one-party Democrat rule. Because of bad policy coming from this Democrat-controlled Congress and the White House, America’s seniors are...

Steve Flowers: Board of Education

School board members are some of the most selfless public servants in Alabama. This accolade goes to the Alabama State Board of Education, and...

Build your career through construction

During October's Careers in Construction Month, Associated Builders and Contractors encourages students, women, minorities, veterans, seekers of a second career or re-entering citizens looking...

U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl: The toll of the fentanyl crisis

Virtually nobody in this country has been untouched by the opioid epidemic. Whether it’s a family member or a friend, nearly all of us...

Sunday Reflections: Be diligent in business affairs

Many churches near interstate highways have funds set aside for stranded travelers. An area convenience store lets our church maintain an account and honors the...

Steve Flowers: The decibel story

Those of us who served a long time in the Legislature have a lot of stories. I served 16 years from 1982 to 1998...

Constitution Day 2022: Celebrating the right to govern ourselves

Tomorrow, Sept. 17, is Constitution Day. On that date 235 years ago, our Founding Fathers signed America's national charter, creating a government devoted to...

Justice Will Sellers: 500 years of global trade

With supersonic air travel, it takes less than three days to travel around the world. Five hundred years ago, it took three years. When Ferdinand...

Dr. Sutter: Labor Day reflections on quiet quitting

Labor Day was established in 1894 to honor America’s workers. “Quiet quitting” refers to working no more than necessary to keep your job and then...

Sunday Reflections: The gospel by way of Jim Rockford

Jim Rockford taught me how to respond when asked, “How much will this cost?” I reply, “Two hundred dollars a day, plus expenses.” Actually, not....

Steve Flowers: The political graveyard known as Buck’s Pocket

For decades, losing political candidates in Alabama have been exiled to “Buck’s Pocket.” It is uncertain when or how the colloquialism began, but political...

College football back exactly the way we wanted

“I don’t want to wish the summer away, but I sure do wish football would come back tomorrow,” my father would say to me,...

Sunday Reflections: The Queen of Sheba

The younger generation doesn’t understand a number of words and phrases, including “broken record,” “ice box,” “party line,” “ungawa” and “Kemo sabe.” Another phrase...

Steve Flowers: Alabama is a big front porch

This is the final version of a three week series of stories that illustrate that Alabama is a "Big Front Porch." James E. “Big Jim”...

U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl: Public servants should be held to a higher standard

Although I didn’t enter public service until well into my 50s, I’ve always felt strongly that public servants should be held to a higher...

Steve Flowers: Special Alabamians

Under the title “Alabama is a Big Front Porch,” made famous by the legendary Alabama storyteller, Kathryn Tucker Wyndham, I will continue to share...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Economic power and social media

Economists and political philosophers frequently contrast political and economic power. This distinction also informs views on policy questions. The nature of economic power offers...

Sunday Reflections: How to recognize a reverend

The dental hygienist was a new employee whom I’d not met. “Where do you preach?” she asked. “Why do you think I’m a preacher?” I responded. “I...

Sec. of State John Merrill: Let’s acknowledge how far we have come

When discussing voting rights, some individuals and special interest groups focus on the Alabama of 1962, but they never acknowledge the Alabama of 2022...

State Rep. Scott Stadthagen: Our country will regret the Biden student loan ‘forgiveness’ program

I wasn’t raised in a household with a lot of money. In fact, I was raised by a single mother. I don’t want any...

Guests: Alabama’s online students met the COVID challenge and took great steps toward their future

Like many students around the country, Alabama students struggled to succeed during two years of school closures, mask mandates, and other issues related to...