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Guest Opinion

Justice Sellers: Legacy of Adam Smith

Adam Smith, the anchor of that group of inquisitive Scotsmen who spawned the Scottish Enlightenment and significantly changed the world, was born 300 years...

Rep. Carl: Avoiding default, paying our debts, cutting spending

The easiest and most politically advantageous choice for my career is to vote against the Fiscal Responsibility Act, but I couldn’t put myself and...

Dr. Dan Sutter: The challenge of political compromise

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached a debt ceiling compromise with President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Unsurprisingly, fiscally conservative Republicans are criticizing...

Flowers: Girls State has had profound effect on Alabama leaders

The Alabama Boys State and Girls State programs have been the spawning ground for Alabama political leaders for generations. It is a marvelous civic...

John Brandt: EVs making a positive impact

Owning an electric vehicle (EV) has transformed my driving experience and also left a lasting impression on my family. My children have grown up...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Tasks and jobs

Economists think about jobs in a seemingly counterintuitive way. While noneconomists see job creation as a primary goal, economists view labor as a scarce...

Rep. Lomax: Reforming permit process helps economy

Responsible energy and infrastructure development can help create jobs, support local businesses and industries while attracting new ones to our state, and strengthen Alabama’s entire economy. However,...

Sen. Tuberville: Remembering our fallen heroes

On Christmas Day, 1952, Sgt. Arthur Hullett received the news that his 22-year-old brother Ervin had been killed in Korea. They had grown up...

Steve Flowers: Women in Alabama politics

It is hard to imagine that it was only a little over 100 years ago that women were given the right to vote in...

Helena Duncan: Space Command in Alabama ‘common sense’

As the CEO of the Business Council of Alabama and a former banking executive, I can confidently say that Alabama is one of the best...

Elevating Young Voices: Your time is now

One of the biggest reasons I started the series “Elevating Young Voices” is to, obviously, elevate the voices of the youth in Alabama. There...

Aaron Johnson: ‘Tis the graduation season

It is graduation season. Social media is saturated with photos of new graduates from every institution of learning. Some of these graduates have so many...

Allen: HB209 protects election integrity

Over the last decade, there have been multiple convictions for absentee ballot fraud across the state of Alabama. As a Probate Judge, a legislator...

Zeigler: New tax a wrong number for emergency call services

A lot of attention has been focused this session on the Alabama Legislature’s efforts to cut taxes. Bills have been introduced to lower or...

Rep. Carl: Getting our spending under control

Last week, I joined dozens of my colleagues from the House and the Senate at a press conference urging President Biden to work with...

Dr. Dan Sutter: The debt ceiling and national debt

The United States faces potential default in June as we run up against the debt ceiling, currently at $31.4 trillion. Whether the debt ceiling...

Steve Flowers: Lurleen Wallace humble, popular

Kay Ivey is Alabama’s second female governor. Lurleen Wallace was the first. Appropriately, Kay Ivey’s idol and impetus for striving to be governor was Lurleen...

Dr. Howard Day: The eyes have it on HB 349

Technology has revolutionized our lives over these last three decades, and it has also revolutionized eye care. Yet, in Alabama, optometrists are still subject to...

Rep. Carl: Getting control of the border

Since President Biden took office, there have been over 5 million illegal crossings at our  southern border, and more than 1.3 million illegal immigrants...

Labor Secretary Washington: Economic records made to be broken

If you followed state news in 2022, you would have seen dozens of stories about Alabama’s successful economy. Nearly every month we at the Alabama...

Dr. Brendan Wyatt: House bill shows lack of vision

When Alabamians need surgery, especially on something as complex and important as their eyes, they should be able to trust that the medical professional...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Are ‘junk fees’ junk?

The Biden Administration is battling what it terms “junk fees.” Is this consumer protection, or will it simply create additional costly regulation? The answer...

David Azbell: Gov. Wallace’s lesson in foregiveness

On May 15, 1972 - 51 years ago today - Alabama Gov. George Wallace was shot and paralyzed during an assassination attempt while campaigning...

Rep. Rogers: Border policies ‘enrich cartels’

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is an abysmal failure and President Joe Biden is even worse. Thanks to their treasonous open border...