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Guest Opinion

Bill Clark talks Bama, Milroe, Saban, and more

Former UAB Blazers head coach Bill Clark has been sharing his thoughts weekly into what he saw on the college football slate, teams in...

Britt helps military family receive WWII Congressional Gold Medal

The Congressional Gold Medal, which is the highest honor bestowed by Congress, honors those whose dedication, heroism, and public service have created a lasting...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Of wind and whales

Whales have been dying off the East Coast of the United States near where offshore wind turbines are being or about to be built....

Rep. Carl: Commitments kept in 2023

Last year, House Republicans made a commitment to you: Elect a Republican majority, and we will immediately get to work putting America on a...

Steve Flowers: Of course the Space Command decision was political

In my July 19 column. my prediction was that Democratic President Joe Biden would keep the heralded space command headquarters in Colorado, rather than...

Rep. Dale Strong: Fighting for North Alabama

It was great to spend August recess back home visiting with the folks who sent me to Congress to fight for their conservative values....

Rep. Carl: America’s self-inflicted energy crisis

Gas prices are on the rise once again, and families all over the country are feeling the burden. The average price for a gallon of...

Opinion: Court likely to gerrymander Alabama congressional map

Last Tuesday, a federal court struck down the congressional maps passed by the Alabama Legislature.  It was a decision that wasn’t surprising to many as...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: America’s OPEC?

High gas prices over the past three years have contributed to record oil company profits. Yet domestic oil production has not surged in response....

Steve Flowers: Alabama is in for a congressional shakeup

Being elected to Congress is like having a guaranteed job for as long as you want. They serve two year terms and the reelection...

Ledbetter: Alabama’s historic economic growth and underlying labor shortage

During the 2023 session, the Alabama Legislature passed a series of bills designed to strengthen Alabama's economy, reduce the tax burden on small businesses...

Justice Will Sellers: Life and legacy of Lee Kuan Yew

Imagine a country in the 20th century that in a matter of 30 years went from a per capita income of $500 to one...

Rep. Carl: Beach mouse takes bite out of Alabama’s growth

Oftentimes, the federal government identifies a problem, implements a solution, but fails to consider the long-term costs and impact that its decision may have. These...

Merrill: Rejecting Pharmacy Benefit Manager Reform Act will protect Alabamians

As our nation grapples with the ongoing debates surrounding healthcare reform, our elected representatives must prioritize the interests of patients. I encourage Sen. Tommy...

‘Jimmy Buffett Bayway’ – Zeigler pushes for naming new I-10 bridge

A new bridge is in development for I-10’s “Bayway” between Mobile and Baldwin Counties of Alabama. I am starting a citizen movement to officially...

Alabama’s community, technical colleges not cutting corners to help get people to work

This Labor Day, a pressing question reverberates across the United States: “Where are the workers?” Alabama shares this concern, grappling with just shy of the...

Steve Flowers: Summer political happenings

As the long hot summer ends and Labor Day approaches, let’s take a look back at what occurred over the last three summer months,...

Ainsworth: Grocery tax cut in effect – it’s time to ‘finish the job’ to 0%

Alabamians are feeling a bit of relief at the grocery store checkout lines as a result of the tax cut on food that a...

Mike Oatridge: Give leaders credit for addressing EV range issue

The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) recently announced its third round of state grants to fund construction of electric vehicle (EV) charging...

Rep. Carl: Border crisis hits Alabama

Since before I took office, I have been warning people about the dangers that come with millions of illegal immigrants pouring across the border....

Rep. DuBose: Bring libraries back from ‘toxic’ national group

The time has come for Alabama libraries to disaffiliate from the toxic American Library Association (ALA). Taxpayer funded indoctrination of our children has no place...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Climate change and political responsibility

We continually hear that climate change is making extreme weather – from wildfires in Canada and Maui to Hurricane Hilary - worse. Unfortunately, this...

Steve Flowers: Big Jim vs. the media

Alabama has never had a more colorful governor than Big Jim Folsom. He also was a brilliant politician who understood the importance of name...

Rep. Carl: Investing in America’s national security

Recently, I joined Reps. Mike Rogers, Dale Strong, and Gary Palmer to address many of Alabama’s business leaders about what we are working on...