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BCA executive leadership a rare collection of influence

Lost in the headlines announcing a complete reorganization of the Business Council of Alabama (BCA) was the fact that its executive committee is now...

7 Things: Trump targets social media for suppressing conservatives, fake news excites liberals as they smear Gov. Kay Ivey, Sen. Richard Shelby has an...

7. Florida's election will pit a Trumper vs. Berner. It could also impact a U.S. Senate race and House races  --- Republican Congressman Ron Desantis...

7 Things: New framework for U.S./Mexico deal, Ivey follows Trump’s lead on lowering the flag, tax cuts benefit Alabama and more …

7. There are Bushes, Clintons and Kennedys -- If some get their wish, there may be a new political dynasty in the making --- Cindy...

Why did an AL(dot)com’s Connor Sheets story neglect to mention ousted Marion County Democratic Party chairwoman Susan Cobb was recently arrested?

In an article published on Sunday, AL(dot)com's Connor Sheets revealed the details of a lawsuit filed by now-former Marion County Democratic Party chairwoman Susan...

7 Things: Alabama politicians react to Sen. John McCain’s death, Rep. Mo Brooks continues pointing out dangers of illegal immigration, Trump’s approval rating unchanged...

7. Local elections are around the corner. A particularly bruising attack is out in a Huntsville School Board race --- Local school board races rarely see the kind...

VIDEO: Trump’s growing legal problems, Sen. Doug Jones wants a ‘pause’ on Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Mo Brooks and Sen. Elizabeth Warren differ on immigration...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- How will these latest legal...

7 Things: Trump hits Sessions again, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones votes to keep funding Planned Parenthood, Maddox is hanging around with convicted felons who...

7. Absurd drag queens are reading to toddlers at a Mobile public library --- A group of drag queens will be reading to children (if any...

7 Things: President Donald Trump may be considering a pardon against GOP wishes, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks slams Democrats as Elizabeth Warren downplays illegal alien...

7. Not that this is a huge deal or anything, but President Donald Trump loses in projected match-ups with Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Elizabeth Warren...

7 Things: Trump allies’ very bad legal day, Alabama GOP Chair slams Democrats for their dysfunction, illegal alien murders a college student and more...

7. Florida and the Department of Homeland Security call out Senator Bill Nelson for lying --- Democrats are still trying to make Russia the largest...

7 Things: Trump worries about a ‘perjury trap,’ Alabama Democratic chairwoman calls Sen. Doug Jones racist, Governor Kay Ivey tries to save a U.S....

7. Gov. Kay Ivey continues to strip Alabama sheriffs autonomy on inmate feeding program and the money that comes with it --- Ivey had the state...

What Mobile’s iconic Semmes statue says about the debate over Confederate monuments

June 26, 1900, had been a record-setting day in Mobile, dumping 12½ inches of rain in 12 hours. And stormy weather threatened again on...

7 Things: Alabama’s economy keeps humming, Alabama’s Congressional incumbents look to fare well, more Trump administration drama and more …

7. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper won't admit it, but he made the case for President Donald Trump revoking CIA Director John...

VIDEO: Trump pulls a security clearance, Alabama Democrats are stuck on Nancy Worley, and the media comes together to prove they aren’t the enemy...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Should President Donald Trump be...

7 Things: Alabama Democrats have no chance, ALGOP Chair Lathan slams former Governor Bentley, 538.com analysis bleak for Republicans and more …

7. Trump nails the media to the wall after they tout their editorials slamming him --- Hundreds of newspapers attempted to coordinate an attack on...

Alabama native Tim Cook dines with Trump at Bedminster but the Apple CEO still has his back turned on his home state

Alabama native and Apple CEO Tim Cook does not appear to have a problem currying favor with President Donald Trump. Last Friday, Cook dined with...

7 Things: Trump pulls former CIA Director’s clearance, former Governor Robert Bentley wants us to believe the unbelievable, Trump supporters slammed for something that...

7. In a story that surprises no one, former White House staffer Omarosa lies about being interviewed by Robert Muller's investigators --- Omarosa already has some...

7 Things: White House can’t guarantee there isn’t a tape of a racist comment by Trump, Rep. Byrne claims victory over housing illegals in...

7. Another scandal for the Catholic Church, this time in Pennsylvania --- Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro says that over 300 priests molested over a thousand...

Advice for the Wiregrass: If you want an Interstate highway before the automobile is obsolete, start a full-court press immediately

One of the hot-stove topics making its way around Alabama is the possibility of a new east-west Interstate highway through the center of Alabama. The...

7 Things: Disgraced former FBI Agent Peter Strzok finally fired, 70 percent of Americans want the Mueller probe over, Rep. Mike Rogers says the...

7. A Mexican restaurant in Houston is under fire for daring to serve Attorney General Jeff Sessions --- El Tiempo Cantina posted a photo of Sessions...

Gov. Ivey continues to talk about education policy as Maddox imitates Clint Eastwood routine

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Monday provided the one-year progress report on her signature education initiative - Strong Start, Strong Finish (SSSF) - as...

7 Things: Omarosa has tapes and no shame, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones stages a failed coup, ‘Unite the Right’ rally fails but the media...

7. The American media wants you to know they are a biased monolith by conspiring to publish 100 similar editorials on the same day ---...

VIDEO: Midterm lessons from OH-12, gambling debate coming in 2019, former Gov. Robert Bentley’s second act, and more on Guerrilla Politics!

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Is there anything we can...

7 Things: Deep State further exposed, VP Pence praises Alabama as he touts the Space Force, Maddox keeps debating himself in the gubernatorial contest,...

7. NFL players are back to kneeling. Donald Trump is smiling --- After a year of nonsense and political posturing over kneeling, NFL players started the...

Alabama is working again: Small-business optimism soars to record high, now more qualified workers needed

Business is booming in Alabama and across the nation. According to a new poll released Tuesday by Gallup, American small-business owners are more optimistic now more...