Brooks on illegal alien charged in Mobile woman’s death: Democrats have ‘blood on their hands’

After news broke Thursday that a native Guatemalan residing in the United States illegally has been charged in the death of Mobile’s Sonya Jones, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-5) said, “The open-borders Socialist Democrats who refuse to strengthen border security one iota have Sonya’s blood on their hands.”

In a Facebook post on Friday, Brooks lamented, “Another American has been killed on American soil by an illegal alien. This time it was Sonya Jones of South Alabama. If not for open-borders policies, Sonya would still be alive today and Sonya’s family and friends would not be mourning her tragic death.”

“Sadly, this tragedy has become commonplace across America. Countless families mourn their lost loved ones whose deaths were entirely avoidable. The path taken by the illegal alien who killed Sonya is typical: illegally cross into the United States, get caught and claim asylum, get released and never show for court, then commit crime. Asylum laws must be tightened, catch-and-release must end once-and-for-all, and America’s porous southern border must be secured to ensure a tragedy like this never happens again,” he concluded.

Domingo Francisco Marcos, 16, has been charged with vehicular homicide and fleeing the scene of the accident with injuries in the Monday death of Jones on US 98.

He reportedly entered the country via Mexico and was apprehended in Arizona by federal law enforcement officials in 2017. Before he could be deported, he claimed asylum and was released awaiting a hearing. Marcos never showed up in court to speak to his claim, so it was denied. However, authorities had no way to locate him so he was never deported.

Brooks is not the only Alabama congressman to comment on Marcos being charged.

In a statement Thursday, Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-1) said, “Yet again we have someone who is in our country illegally taking the life of an American citizen. How many more Americans have to die before we take action to crack down on illegal immigration, secure the border, and keep the American people safe? Enough is enough!”

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn