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Brooks doubles down on electoral fraud claims — ‘in my judgment, there’s massive voter fraud and election theft’

U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) on Wednesday joined Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast, where he and the former chief White House strategist discussed issues relating to election integrity.

Brooks repeated his popular assertion that if only eligible American citizens cast ballots in the 2020 presidential election, former President Donald Trump would have been reelected to a second term.

“[A]fter November 3, I was the very first United States congressman or senator to publicly state, and I’ll say it again for you out there in the audience, in my judgment, if only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens were counted Donald Trump won,” declared Brooks.

The North Alabama congressman outlined the role he played in congressional Republicans’ efforts in objecting to the certification of the Electoral College results.

“And I was the first one to say that, and the president thanked me, and I led the charge – and at first it was pretty lonely,” he added. “I was the only one willing to go out on that limb and say, ‘Look, I’ve looked at it, and in my judgment, there’s massive voter fraud and election theft.’ And ultimately, we got roughly 150 Republican congressman and senators who joined us with respect to the rejection of Arizona and Pennsylvania’s electoral college votes.”

Brooks went on to note that he has been in contact with Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) concerning Arizona’s election audit efforts. He expressed concern over government not footing the bill for the full cost of the auditing process.

“I’ve also been in communication with the people who are having to pay the bill, and that’s one of the big problems,” said Brooks. “It should be the government paying the costs of these forensic audits. It should not be private citizens who are having to dig into their wallet to correct errors made by the government, but nonetheless, that’s pretty much where we are in Arizona and some of these other states. I think the ratio is something like 95% or so is private funding and 5% might be government funding.”

He struck an optimistic tone regarding the possibility that the audit effort will prove that widespread voter fraud occurred.

He concluded, “That’s not right to put our citizens in that kind of position where they have to pay for these audits. What we need to do is we need to hurry up and get those audits out so that the public will understand that, with these kinds of audits, there is even more proof of the voter fraud and election theft that transpired.”

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL

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