Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) has been a very vocal opponent of what President Donald Trump’s supporters have called a “sham,” and now he seems to believe the tide is turning for Republicans.
Brooks summed up the hearings during a Friday radio appearance on WVNN by saying, “[T]he Democrats are doing their utmost to use federal tax dollars to illegally engage in opposition research in order to enhance their chances in the 2020 elections. It is no more than that.”
The accusation is an intentional one, as he is stating clearly that Democrats in D.C. are using taxpayer dollars to fund a political exercise meant to damage their political opponents.
Brooks also added something pretty important: if these witnesses conducted these kinds of behaviors in any setting other than these congressional hearings, they could very possibly be in violation of the Hatch Act, which generally says that federal employees are forbidden from engaging in partisan political activity in their official roles.
On this, Congressman Brooks said, “Certainly [their testimony] has had a partisan effect.”
Brooks went on to add that, “[I]f they were to openly say anti-Republican, [anti-]president things, outside of being subject to a subpoena or a call to a hearing, there would be that risk.”
The result of these hearings may not be what the media and their Democrats wanted them to be, and Brooks said that congressional Republicans have left these hearings feeling angered and united in support of the president while “the Democrats are huddling together, and there is some anxiety on their part, because they don’t know how it’s playing to the American people.”
Let me tell you how it’s playing to the American people: not a single person has had their mind changed by these hearings.
The average American could not care less about what happens in Ukraine, and they want their elected officials in Washington to actually get something done.
Democrats have decided that they will hate Trump more than they love their country and that his personal downfall is more important than immigration, jobs, the economy or any other issue.
For Republicans, these few weeks have been a win — and the winning probably won’t end here.
Congressman Brooks said that if/once this gets to the Senate, everyone that the Democrats have so far shielded, such as the whistleblower and the Bidens, won’t be able to hide any longer. With Republicans in charge, the game could change significantly.
However, the best news of the weekend is that there is now reporting that indicates the investigation into the investigators is now underway and people are being investigated for their roles in the falsification of FISA warrants and how they led to spying on the Trump campaign.
The investigation into the origins of the Russia collusion hoax, started by 2020 Senate candidate and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, are now bearing some serious fruit.
Brooks thinks this information only confirms what we already knew, saying, “[S]omebody someplace created some false information that began the Russian collusion narrative, when there is zero evidence to support it.”
I know the media and their Democrats are having a tough time right now, as this was meant to be their Christmas morning but the stockings turned out to be full of coal.
This could get even worse for the media and their Democrats moving forward.
Bless their hearts.
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Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN