BlueCross BlueShield warns Alabamians about coronavirus scams

BlueCross BlueShield of Alabama (BCBS) has issued a warning about potential scams surrounding the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

According to a press release from the company, warning signs include:

– Door to door solicitation for any testing and prescribing for COVID -19; (tell individual(s) you are not interested, and you will contact your physician).

– Phone calls asking for health insurance contract information for free testing and services; (hangup immediately).

– Outreach from unfamiliar healthcare workers offering to send you a home test kit.

– False advertisements for vaccinations or medications to treat the disease.

– Unexplained or unauthorized laboratory tests or prescriptions appearing on your BlueCross Explanation of Benefits statement.

– Advertisements offering health products that are ineffective against COVID-19 such as herbal teas, supplements, oils or ointments.

– Spear phishing emails referencing COVID-19 which contain malware.

“BlueCross BlueShield of Alabama cares about the health and well-being of our members and Alabamians,” the press release stated. “We are taking every step available to minimize these scams. We encourage members and Alabamians to be vigilant.”

Suspected healthcare fraud can be reported to or BCBS’s fraud hotline at 1-800-824-4391.

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