“…In 140 Characters or Less” is a new feature on Yellowhammer Politics. We’ll be interviewing politicians, insiders, activists and other notable figures — with the catch being that their answers must be in 140 characters or less. When possible, we conduct the interviews in real-time on Twitter — then post them on YH when they’re complete. (Follow us on Twitter)
Today, we tweeted with Governor Bentley’s political aide Angi Horn Smith. Angi has been with the Governor for years and is one of the Governor’s closest advisors. Angi joined us today to discuss her time in politics, working with the Governor, what it’s like being one of the few female political operatives in the state, and more.
@YHPolitics When I was 8, my mom took me door to door for a local candidate but my 1st real campaign experience was Bentley for Senate-’98
— Angi Horn Smith (@angismith2009) July 24, 2012
@YHPolitics I worked on his 1st campaign in 98-Campaign mgr in 2010. I worked in the COS office and as Disaster Recovery Coordinator in ’11
— Angi Horn Smith (@angismith2009) July 24, 2012
@YHPolitics He’s exactly the same-Smart, honest, and a great sense of humor -a normal guy who likes Vienna sausages and Sunkist-Very genuine
— Angi Horn Smith (@angismith2009) July 24, 2012
@YHPolitics Finding the right balance between the media and grassroots sides of a campaign. That’s critical to max exposure of a candidate
— Angi Horn Smith (@angismith2009) July 24, 2012
@YHPolitics Politics takes work ethic, intelligence, loyalty & a very thick skin. I hope that’s how people see me, regardless of my gender.
— Angi Horn Smith (@angismith2009) July 24, 2012
@YHPolitics NEVER try to change your candidate. If you do, you are working for the wrong person Also, NOTHING is more important than loyalty
— Angi Horn Smith (@angismith2009) July 24, 2012