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Bear Bryant’s touching reminder: ‘Have you called your mama today? I sure wish I could call mine’

(Video above: Paul “Bear” Bryant Mother’s Day commercial)

South Central Bell has been defunct for almost a quarter century now, but one of the company’s commercials gains new life every Mother’s Day, thanks to a heartfelt message from legendary Alabama football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant.

One of the first thing we tell our players is to keep in touch with their families. And when our freshmen first arrive, we ask them to write a postcard home right then.

You know, we keep them pretty busy, but they always have time to pick up the phone and call. And it’s really important to keep in touch.

Have you called your mama today? I sure wish I could call mine.

Bryant is said to have ad libbed the final line, adding a deeply personal touch to the message.

Check out the commercial in the video above, and share it to remind others how important it is to tell our mamas we love them while we still have the chance.

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