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Americans for Prosperity: ‘Doug Jones is putting politics ahead of his country’

After a new social media ad urging Sen. Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook) to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, appeared, another ad emerged from the same group saying, “Jones is putting politics ahead of his country.”

The initial ad, running on Twitter, said, “With his #SCOTUS delay tactics, [Jones] is siding with Chuck Schumer, not Alabamans. Tell him: confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh!”

Running on Facebook, the new ad not only calls Jones out, but adds a call to action for Alabama voters – in the form of signing a letter.

“Sen. Doug Jones is putting politics ahead of his country by siding with Chuck Schumer and trying to delay hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh,” the latest ad by Americans for Prosperity (AFP) reads.

It adds, “Tell Sen. Jones: stop playing games!”

The ad links to the letter, which is also very pointed in its message.

Dear Sen. Jones:

It’s disappointing that you are putting politics ahead of our country with your delay tactics on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation.

Judge Kavanaugh has a proven track record of defending the Constitution, and not legislating from the bench. Your obstruction tactics are nothing more than politically-motivated grandstanding.

Please stand with the people of Alabama, not Chuck Schumer!


Below the letter are designated spaces for Alabamians to electronically fill in their names and information to sign the letter and send it to Jones.

You can do so here.

Read more here about the intense pressure Jones is under to listen to the majority of his constituents and confirm Kavanaugh.

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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