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ALGOP passes resolution calling for Ilhan Omar’s expulsion from Congress- ‘Let Alabama be first and let’s see how many other states follow’

AUBURN — U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) is no friend of the Alabama Republican Party.

That was the takeaway on Saturday at the ALGOP’s summer meeting hosted on the Plains in Lee County after the body passed a resolution introduced by State Rep. Tommy Hanes (R-Bryant) calling for Alabama’s congressional delegation to seek the expulsion of their Democratic colleague Omar.

Hanes took to the floor of the meeting to make a case for his proposal.

“It’s just simply asking this body to ask the U.S. delegation, the Alabama delegation in Washington, D.C. to start proceedings to unseat Ilhan Omar, congresswoman from Minnesota,” Hanes said. “This woman is continuously spewing anti-American rhetoric, anti-Semitism. She is un-American. She came from a war-torn country in Somalia to seek protection under Lady Liberty’s hand.”

“Folks, she constantly talks about the U.S. military – I put the U.S. military here,” he continued, raising his right arm. “If it weren’t for the U.S. military, we wouldn’t be here today. I put them here, and she continuously talks down on our veterans. Folks, she continuously talks about one of our most faithful and loyal allies, which is Israel.”

“Let Alabama be first and let’s see how many other states follow,” Hanes added.

One objection to Hanes’ amendment dealt with the concern that it would create “dangerous precedent” for future majorities in the U.S. House of Representatives to create a subjective basis to kick out a duly elected member of Congress.

However, one man took Hanes’ proposal to another level.

“I would just like to say the lady is guilty of sedition – and we need to kick her ass out,” an unidentified member of the state executive committee, who approached the microphone but wasn’t formally recognized, said shortly before passage.

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.

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