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Alabama’s elected officials reflect on anniversary of 9/11, honor American heroes

Wednesday marked 18 years since the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil were perpetrated, and Alabama’s elected officials shared heartfelt words of remembrance for the 2,977 innocent lives lost that day on September 11, 2001.

At least nine Alabamians, or individuals with deep connections to the state, were killed on 9/11, including Terry Lynch – a former longtime staffer for Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL).

The Yellowhammer State’s leaders on Wednesday took to social media and released statements to mark this emotional day in American history.

Governor Kay Ivey also ordered the state’s flags to half-staff in honor of “Patriot Day” and in remembrance of the victims of the attacks.

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, Ivey said, “Eighteen years ago, on this day, the strength of our nation was tested, but what emerged was the resiliency of American patriots.”

“Many of those heroes made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving behind family, friends and an entire nation to mourn their loss,” she continued. “However, it is because of their sacrifice that our country could stand tall in the wake of evil.”

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) said, “Eighteen years ago, we were shaken to our core by a heinous – and cowardly – act of terrorism. We will never forget the 2,977 people who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001. We continue to pray for their loved ones, and all those who bear the physical and emotional scars of that day.”

“As dark as that day was for our country, it also revealed the true spirit of America,” he continued. “Everyday people became heroes – from the first responders and firefighters who ran towards burning buildings to the brave passengers of Flight 93 who sacrificed their own lives in a truly selfless effort to save the lives of others to the men and women who raised their hand to serve our nation’s military in a time of war.”

“The resolve and the unity of the American people in the aftermath of these senseless attacks was the bright light our world needed. I pray that today, we each honor their memory by embracing our shared ideals and our unwavering belief in American unity and strength,” Jones concluded.

In a statement, U.S. Rep. Martha Roby (AL-02) said, “Most all of us will never forget where we were on September 11, 2001, when the world changed before our very eyes.”

“I join our state and country in marking this day by remembering the Americans who lost their lives, praying for their families, and by honoring the heroes who emerged that day and in the months and years to come,” she added. “May this always be a solemn day to reflect upon how much has been sacrificed by so many. Let us also reaffirm our steadfast commitment to the American ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice that make this country the greatest in the world.”

“When thinking back on the attacks on September 11th in 2001, the same feelings of sadness and utter horror are overwhelming,” U.S. Rep Mike Rogers (AL-03), the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a statement.

“Folks across East Alabama and America will never forget our innocent American brothers and sisters we lost that tragic day and the families they left behind,” he stressed. “We also remember the Americans who died in the Benghazi attacks and pray for their families.”

“May God continue to bless the United States of America,” Rogers concluded.

U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04) told Yellowhammer News, “None of us alive then will ever forget that day, nor should we. We will never forget the death, the destruction and the brutal images. But we should also never forget those among us who rose up that day and became heroes for the ages.”

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07) remarked, “Eighteen years ago, our country was forever changed, but our spirit and resolve were not broken.”

“Today, we remember and reaffirm our commitment to the survivors, heroic first responders and innocent victims lost on 9/11,” she added. “We will never forget!”

Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth said, “I encourage all Alabamians to look to the heavens today and ask God to bless the victims of 9/11 and the families and friends they left behind. Ask Him to watch over our first responders who run towards disaster when others run away. And thank Him for allowing all of us to live in the greatest country mankind has ever known.”

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne (AL-01) said, “On this day we remember and mourn the men and women who perished eighteen years ago at the hands of those seeking to take down all of us simply because we are Americans.”

“We should come together and rededicate ourselves to the phrase one nation under God, return to the principles that led to our rise to greatness, and never fail to honor the fallen and those who continue to serve and protect our nation,” he concluded.

This article may be updated throughout the day as more reactions come in.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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