Alabama Republican Party offers $1,000 for proof of voter fraud

Voting Booths

The Alabama Republican Party has decided to up the ante when it comes to their ballot security operation. The ALGOP announced today that they are offering $1,000 to anyone who can provide information that directly leads to a felony conviction for voter fraud.

“‘Reward Stop Voter Fraud’ signs with our hotline number will be placed at random polling locations tomorrow and at all polling locations in November,” ALGOP Chairman Bill Armistead explained. “Poll watchers trained by ALGOP staff will also be watching to ensure that Alabama’s election laws – including the new photo voter ID law – are not being violated. Our signs and poll watchers will send a clear message to those wishing to commit voter fraud. Anyone attempting to tamper with the election process will be caught and will be prosecuted.”

Signs touting the "Stop Voter Fraud Hotline" will be placed throughout Alabama polling places.
Signs touting the “Stop Voter Fraud Hotline” will be placed throughout Alabama polling places.

Tuesday’s elections are the first in which Alabama voters must show a photo ID to receive a ballot.

Numerous types of photo IDs can be used, including an Alabama driver’s license or non-driver ID, college ID, military ID, government employee ID, federal ID or passport. However, the Alabama Secretary of State’s office said in March that roughly 250,000 adults in the state did not at that time have any form of photo identification. Those individuals were given the opportunity to a acquire a free voter ID supplied by the state.

Liberals continue to say voter ID laws are an assault on the voting rights of minorities, while conservatives say its a necessary step to ensure the sanctity of elections.

RELATED: The debate over photo voter ID rages on as Alabama’s law goes into effect

Vice President Joe Biden went as far as to say that there is “hatred” behind Alabama’s photo voter ID law.

“These guys never go away,” Biden said of supporters of voter ID. “Hatred never, never goes away. The zealotry of those who wish to limit the franchise cannot be smothered by reason.”

The Bentley Administration responded, saying that Alabama has made great progress in recent years and assured voters that they “will not tolerate discrimination in Alabama.”

True The Vote, a national organization dedicated to maintaining the integrity of U.S. elections, released some startling statistics about voter fraud recently:

  • More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid yet remain on the rolls nationally
  • More than 1.8 million dead voters are still on the rolls nationally
  • More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state

Additionally, we recently learned that four counties in Alabama had more registered voters than total population.

“Every voter should be on the alert and watch for voter fraud tomorrow,” said Armistead. “Some of the most common violations include: not showing proper photo ID; voter solicitation within 30 feet of polling locations; passing out campaign literature or marked sample ballots within 30 feet of polling locations; poll worker voter intimidation and misinformation; vote buying; ballot stuffing; recording votes incorrectly; destruction or invalidation of ballots; and tampering with voting machines.”

He encouraged anyone who witnesses an instance of voter fraud to contact the voter fraud hotline at 844-AL-FRAUD (844-253-7283).

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