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Alabama native, UA grad faces racial abuse over Trump internship from ‘tolerant left’

Jalen Drummond, who graduated from the University of Alabama this past May and is a native of the state, is facing racial abuse from the “tolerant left” after he interned for President Donald Trump over the summer.

In a recent viral post from from the liberal “comedy” website “Funny or Die,” Drummond’s picture was replaced with the fictional character from the movie “Get Out,” which won the Academy Award last year with its take on racism in modern America.

On Saturday, Drummond reaffirmed that he considered it “an incredible honor and privilege serving as one of [President Donald Trump’s] White House interns this summer,” while calling out the shameful behavior by Funny or Die and individuals who shared their original post.

Here’s a snapshot from the un-photoshopped picture.

Drummond, who was born and raised in Randolph County and previously interned for Republican Rep. Mike Rogers (AL-3), the Business Council of Alabama (BCA) and former Senator Luther Strange (R-AL), is currently working as an advisor to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson in Washington, D.C.

In a recent Facebook post, Drummond described the honor of working in the White House.

“Thousands of individuals, many of whom are educated at Ivy League institutions and have connections to power, applied for one of these few coveted spots. Every single morning when I walked through the White House gates, I would pinch myself to remember that this wasn’t a dream,” he outlined.

Drummond continued, “I say that because never in a million years would I have thought that such an opportunity would be bestowed upon me, an average kid who was raised in rural east Alabama and educated at a poor county school. However, we truly serve an almighty God and his plans are much bigger than man’s expectations. Serving as an intern in the Trump White House has been an experience of a lifetime, and I have made friendships that I will cherish forever.”

Update: in response to this story, Drummond added, “Matthew 5:44 ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.'”

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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