Following a heart bypass surgery and a gallbladder removal in previous weeks, Rep. Mac McCutcheon, R-Huntsville, issued the following statement expressing gratitude for the outpouring of support he has received and providing an update on his recovery:
Debbie and I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support and prayers we have received over the past few weeks. We are grateful for the kind words from friends, family, and colleagues, and also from countless Alabamians across the state. Your prayers are working, and I am getting stronger every day.
Thanks to Alabama’s world-class hospital system, great doctors, and devoted nurses, both procedures went very well and my recovery is on track. The fact that a patient can undergo major heart surgery and be back on his feet so quickly is a testament to the Alabama medical community.
I look forward to returning to Montgomery for the second half of the legislative session and continuing the important job the people of Limestone and Madison Counties elected me to do.
McCutcheon is one of the top Republicans in the Alabama House of Representatives, and Chairs the powerful House Rules Committee, the panel that decides what bills come to the floor for a vote.
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