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Alabama Army officer schools the Internet on how to be a gentleman

Jordan Thompson flies over Bryant-Denny Stadium (Photo: Jeremy Warner)
Jordan Thompson flies over Bryant-Denny Stadium (Photo: Jeremy Warner)

Jordan Thompson, the Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army and a University of Alabama graduate currently attending Samford’s Cumberland School of Law who put into words exactly what many were thinking with his epic “I’m offended that everyone is offended by something!” took to Facebook once again to school the internet on how “boys” should become men, and his opinion on what it means to be a gentleman.


It seems nowadays that we act more like boys than we act like men. Therefore, its time to remind ourselves what it means to be a gentleman. These are my suggestions:

A gentleman opens doors for women, not because they can’t do it themselves but because we respect them.

A gentleman minds his temper, is rationally reactive, thinks before doing, and aggressive only when necessary.

A gentleman is honest, up front, open and respectful about his intentions.

A gentleman listens more than he speaks, always with sincerity and comprehension.

A gentleman is adaptively appropriate in social as well as private environments, maintaining a professional observance with a calm but enjoyable demeanor.

A gentleman doesn’t complain out of annoyance for he knows complaining is rude and that the situation could be much worse than it appears.

A gentleman does not boast nor pray on the weak, rather, he offers a hand to help those when they need it most.

A gentleman understands that he can’t always be right. When corrected, a gentleman will appropriately rectify his shortcomings, learning from his mistakes with due diligence .
These are my suggestions. I don’t claim to even be close to the perfect gentleman but I do my best to exude these characteristics. You may disagree with me on some issues and that’s fine. What’s important is to address our faults and change our behavior for the better. Maybe then we can be the gentlemen our society needs.

(Editor’s note: The views expressed by Mr. Thompson are his and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Military.)

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