I had the opportunity to speak with congressional candidate Al Mickle a couple of weeks ago as I was writing my feature on the crowded AL Congressional District 6 GOP primary. I found him to be a nice guy with solid, small government ideas and a genuine love for our country and the constitution.
He spent a lot of time talking about wanting to shrink government and get back to our founding principles.
Ok, I can dig that.
But last night around midnight, Mr. Mickle seemed to get a little off message…
On his personal Facebook account:
On his Campaign’s Facebook account:
The two posts both link to this piece in the L.A. Times from back in 2009:
Blackhawk helicopters buzz downtown in military exercise
Night-time military helicopter flights over downtown Los Angeles this week are part of training exercises to familiarize military personnel with urban settings and prepare them for future assignments overseas, according to authorities.
The helicopters, which have appeared nightly for almost a week, have attracted the attention of residents as they hover over downtown landmarks like City Hall, or maneuver quickly between office skyscrapers on Bunker Hill. While many residents speculated that the diving and climbing helicopters were part of a movie shoot, authorities confirmed Wednesday that they were part of a joint exercise.
A short notice saying the LAPD would be supporting an urban military exercise was posted on the department’s official blog.
The notice says the exercises started June 15 and are scheduled to end Saturday and that they will occur throughout Greater Los Angeles.
Authorities said training sites and times have been selected so they do not disrupt the daily routines of businesses and residents. Safety precautions have also been taken to protect the public and military personnel. The training is not open to the public.
I messaged Mr. Mickle and asked if he was insinuating that the U.S. military exercises in LA were preparation for attacking US citizens. He was nice enough to respond and continued to express concern over the purpose of the exercises.