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Aderholt challenger Auman, like most Alabama Dems, wildly out of step with AL-4

Congressional candidate Lee Auman joined WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show” Monday to discuss his campaign for Congress against incumbent Congressman Robert Aderholt. Auman’s appearance further highlighted the problem Alabama Democrats have in the state.

The liberal views of the national Democratic Party continue to hang like an anchor on their Alabama candidates. Some try to distance themselves from it, while others do not.

Lee Auman, running in the most pro-Trump district in the nation, is not running from his liberal views, but he is not hiding them either.

Excerpts from the interview as follows:

On his presidential vote in 2016:

AUMAN: In the primary, I voted for Sanders. In the presidential, obviously, I voted for Clinton.

On what type of Democrat he is (Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders/Blue Dog):

AUMAN:They can put me in a box if they want, but I hope by the time the interview is over they will have heard what I stand for.

(He was wearing a Yellow Dog pin on his lapel.)

On abortion:

AUMAN: My only honest answer on that issue is I am both [pro-life and pro-choice].

They have to be accessible and they have to be safe.

On the pro-life Constitutional Amendment 2:

AUMAN: I am going to vote “no” on it and here is why: Our state has the highest infant mortality rate in the country, And if we were to vote “yes” on Amendment 2 and Roe v. Wade were eventually overturned that would put our abortion laws in the hands of Montgomery. And if we could trust Montgomery with the life of the unborn, then we wouldn’t have the highest infant mortality in the country.

Alabama has a high infant mortality rate is a reason to have more abortions? We can’t trust the legislature with the unborn, so we should have more abortions?

This answer is jibberish.

On whether he would vote on repealing the Trump tax cuts:


There were middle class tax cuts involved and those were good. I think we do need tax cuts for the middle class. But this tax bill was for the richest of the rich and everyone should pay their fair share of taxes, poor, middle, rich, everybody.

That is not to say Auman can’t find one thing he agrees on with Trump and Republicans — He likes some of the stuff Trump has done on trade.

AUMAN: I think the agreement, that is not law yet but the new NAFTA as they call it is slightly better and slightly better is still progress.

Again, Auman is running in the nation’s most pro-Trump district in the nation — a district that voted over 80 percent for the president. Once again, Alabama Democrats are running a candidate that is easily out of step with the district he wants to represent.

They cannot win this way because the only way for these districts to be competitive is for Democratic candidates to hide their views.


@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a conservative talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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