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7 Things: Trump Tower meeting lies exposed, Alabama helps astronauts get back in space, Trump vs. America’s most loved/hated athlete, and more …

7. The people demanding you love the media and honor them as heroes don’t really care what anyone else thinks about their performance

— After several days of complaints about Trump supporters and the president himself “attacking the free press,” the media paused to demand that a non-profit museum stop selling “fake news” t-shirts.

— Humorless as always, reporters feigned outrage and declared this wrong must be righted, “you exist to honor, examine and protect the news media, not embrace the bywords by which others seek to undermine it.” The Newseum caved to the professional scolds.

6. Those same people who play up the threat to their profession disingenuously ignore the threats they may be creating with their rhetoric

— Last week, a lunatic with an immigration grudge driven by the media’s narrative about “children being ripped away from their parents” and “kids being locked in cages” left  Congressman Steve Scalise a voicemail, telling him, “You are taking ours, we are taking yours”.

— The man was arrested, but they found ammunition, guns, a how-to on making silencers and bombs and a book about creating a new identity. The lack of coverage, self-reflection and outrage by the media is pretty stunning.

5. The people demanding you understand the racism of an Asian-American New York Times writer decided the spectacle should really ask the question, “Is it OK to make fun of white people online?

— The New York Times continues to stand behind the author of such gems as “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men,” and “#CancelWhitePeople,” defending her as a victim of racism herself who attacked out of self-defense, which was obviously a lie.

— Her defenders in the media immediately forgot about the “she can’t be racist, she’s a person of color” defense to attack a comedian who went on Fox News and said some equally racist things about Asian Americans.

4. Like most Alabama Democrats, Sen. Doug Jones has found the inability to answer simple questions clearly gives you cover 

— Sen. Doug Jones continues to be vague and cagey on his vote for soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, just like he was during the campaign on abortion.

— Jones told Yellowhammer News’ Jeff Poor that he hopes to meet with Kavanaugh, but won’t do it until after the hearing while he gave himself some wiggle room by implying there is no way to go through all the documents, or answer all the totally serious questions, before a vote. This may telegraph an excuse for a “No” vote.

3. President Donald Trump chooses to attack the nation’s most popular athlete where there is a special election this week for a comment no one watched. His wife disagrees with him

— Trump tweeted on Friday that CNN’s Don Lemon and LeBron James were dumb because of an interview that aired on Lemon’s low-rated TV show where James said the president was divisive.

— Both Michael Jordan, who was mentioned, and the president’s wife dunked on Trump by talking about what a great guy LeBron is.

2. Astronauts are headed back to the moon. Alabama will continue to play a role

— NASA has now named the nine astronauts who fly the first U.S. based spaceflights using commercial spacecraft from both Boeing and Space X, the government’s shuttle program ended in 2011

— Alabama’s senior Senator Richard Shelby shared his delight with Alabama’s role in this new ear of spaceflight, “Exciting day for American spaceflight! @NASA announced 9 brave astronauts selected to fly @BoeingSpace/@SpaceX commercial crew capsules, part of which will be powered by @ULALaunch Atlas V made in . This is a new era as we once again launch humans into space from US soil.”

1. It’s not about adoption anymore, the Trump Tower meeting drama continues

— Another lie by the president exposed, another complete misreading of the situation by the media. Trump has now admitted his kid met to get dirt and he lied about it.

— If anyone thinks the American president is going to be indicted because his kid and some staff met with a Russian lawyer to get dirt on an opponent, I feel sorry for what is eventually coming out of this Mueller probe — nothing.

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