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7 Things: Trump steps on good economic news with Mueller tweets, Sen. Doug Jones can’t make a decision, Governor Ivey slams media and Maddox, and more …

7. Alabama Democrats love playing the victim. It won’t stop this election cycle

— Whining about debates has been Walt Maddox’s main form of gaining media attention for weeks. Now, Peter Joffrion, candidate for Congress in North Alabama, has joined that parade by demanding Mo Brooks debate him.

— The Democrats across the country are claiming Russians are targeting them. Alabama Congressional candidate Tabitha Isner is jumping on that train, even though there seems to be little to these claims.

6. Trump prepared to shut down the government over border security

— Trump’s ambitious plan for border security could continue to be a major issue, he called on Congress to fix the “DUMBEST & WORST” immigration laws in the world.

— Trump tweeted, “I would be willing to ‘shut down’ government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT!”

5. Congressman Robert Aderholt could lose a coveted position as part of the battle over who the next Speaker of the House will be

— With Speaker Paul Ryan leaving Congress regardless of who wins control of the body in the midterm elections, Republicans Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy have entered the fray.

— Rep. Aderholt is in line to see the head of the appropriations committee, but the Texas delegation is preparing to trade unanimous support for Kevin McCarthy if he will agree to appoint one of their own to the post.

4. Gov. Ivey defends her “School Sentry” program and State Superintendent Eric Mackey tells school districts how to opt-in 

— Ivey issued two memos on the program: One that expanded liability insurance to “sentries” and the other involved the legal justification for the program in current state law.

— State Superintendent Eric Mackey reminded school systems that participation is voluntary and explained that candidates would go through training and the sheriff would have to deputize the candidates. No word on how many will take part.

3. Governor Kay Ivey accurately points out that the obsession with a debate that will never happen is in their minds

— The governor told reporters, “There are only two people that ever bring up the subject.  Y’all in the media and my opponent.”

— Ivey went on to cite a poll that has her listed a the third most popular governor in the country. She also did not debate GOP primary opponents, and no one truly expects this to be a factor.

2. Sen. Doug Jones still can’t take a position on Supreme Court Justice nominee Bret Kavanaugh

— In what is possibly the most contentious issue in the country today, Trump’s nomination of Bret Kavanaugh, Alabama’s junior Senator still can’t figure out what he wants to say about it.

— Jones told reporters, “I want to keep an open mind on every aspect of it and look at a number of different things,” as if there is some information missing that will guide him one way or the other.

1. Trump’s victory lap on the economy was shortcut by lies about soybeans and his own penchant for stepping on good news

— Friday saw a 4.1 percent GDP growth, so President Trump is tweeting about special counsel Bob Mueller and Russia.

— Trump’s most stunning allegation is that Mueller has an undisclosed personal beef with the president. He said, “Is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty & contentious business relationship, I turned him down to head the FBI (one day before appointment as S.C.) & Comey is his close friend.”

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