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7 Things: Trump fumbles Putin summit, some of Alabama’s elected officials react negatively, run-off day is here, and more …

1. President Donald Trump confirms everyone’s worst fears about his trip to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin

— Media and Democrats got exactly what they wanted, a president who puts the U.S. and Russia on equal footing and at equal fault for the meddling in the 2016 election.

— Republicans got exactly what they did not want — a president who seems to acquiesce to  Russia, look weak, and gets rebuked by his own party.

2. Trump is obsessed with the idea that he didn’t collude with Russia and can’t see past that to see what actually happened

— After his meeting with Putin, Trump once again denied collusion with Russia, saying, “The probe is a disaster for our country. It kept us apart.” Mr. Trump said at a press conference following a summit with Mr. Putin, “There was no collusion at all. Everybody knows it.”

— Even people Trump has appointed to serve in his administration are telling him that there is a Russian-issue but he can’t just own it, which makes himself look guilty. He continues to be his own worst enemy.

3. Some Alabama lawmakers do not hold back on what Newt Gingrich calls the “most serious mistake” of Trump’s presidency

— Democrat Senator Doug Jones and Congresswoman Terri Sewell both rebuked the president. Jones reminded President Trump that Putin is a “foe,” and Sewell asked, “When will the Republicans that control Congress stand up to Trump?”

— Rep. Bradley Byrne reminded the president that it is OK to talk to Russia, saying, “I applaud President Trump’s decision to start a dialogue with President Putin, and I’m glad he is making it a priority. However, we must remember that Russia is not an ally – economically or militarily.”

4. Election Day is here: Local races, 2 statewide run-offs, and no crossover voting allowed

— Rep. Will Ainsworth spent Monday dragging a boat around the state with a fiberglass tiger. AG candidate and Alabama’s worst attorney Troy King was dragging “heavy hitter” Roger Stone around the state.

— In a more absurd moment for a Congressional race, Alabama Congressman Bobby Bright is getting attention for calling Congresswoman Martha Roby a “poot” sniffer for Trump in a race that has become a contest about who loves Trump more.

5. Gov. Kay Ivey continues to outline the differences between Republicans and Democrats

— Ivey’s press release was right to the point: “The reality is now clear as day — Maddox’s moderate talk doesn’t match his liberal walk. Alabamians won’t be fooled by a smooth talker who won’t stand up to the radical liberals who now run the Democrat party.”

— If the November gubernatorial election comes down to R vs. D, Gov. Ivey knows the R has a huge advantage, so look for her to make that distinction with Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox.

6. Sending the National Guard to the border is working

— The National Guard’s deployment to the southwest border is being credited with 10,805 “deportable alien arrests,” that is 10,000+ illegals that would have made it in otherwise.

— Meanwhile, the GOP-controlled House decides not to vote to abolish ICE after the point was made that this is a ridiculous piece of political pandering.

7. Former Judge Roy Moore continues to embarrass the state of Alabama by being pranked by Sacha Baron Cohen and endorsing Troy King

— The disgraced judge and failed Senate candidate is still threatening to sue Showtime, CBS, and Cohen if any footage of Moore airs in Cohen’s absurd new TV show that gets political figures to say really stupid things.

— Moore also endorsed Troy King for Attorney General, which is odd given all of King’s gambling conflicts.

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