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7 Things: Trump-Biden slap-fight, Doug Jones gets ‘help,’ asylum seekers disappear and more …

7. Carbon Hill’s mayor still hasn’t resigned

  • In 1979, John Wesley McCollum survived being shot in the face by KKK members in Carbon Hill, and now he’s calling for Mayor Mark Chambers to resign, saying, “The world don’t [sic] need people like him running a town, city or state. I would ask that the mayor step down peacefully.”
  • McCollum spoke at a press conference held to address Chambers’ social media comments where McCollum said people like Chambers don’t need to be running a town, city or state. Chambers previously denied making the comments, then said it was meant to be private, then claimed the comments were taken out of context and finally apologized for his comments.

6. Alabama still hashing out medical marijuana

  • Governor Kay Ivey has signed a bill into law that would create a medical marijuana study commission which will make recommendations for the Alabama legislators beginning next year. She also extended Carly’s Law to allow access to CBD oil.
  • This bill is merely a compromise to the original, which would’ve legalized medical marijuana for some patients. It couldn’t pass the House of Representatives, but the goal is to revisit that in the future.

5. Barr, McGahn in “contempt”

  • House Democrats voted and passed a civil enforcement resolution on Tuesday. The move is being made to make the far-left happy. Democrats say that this resolution effectively holds former White House counsel Don McGahn and Attorney General William Barr in contempt.
  • While the resolution doesn’t specifically say “contempt,” it does provide similar power and Democrats are hoping that it will support their legal case to get documents from the Mueller report. The DOJ is pushing back and a senior DOJ official called the terminology a “Democrat talking point.”

4. Pro-life views are unacceptable in the Democratic Party

  • Presidential candidate for 2020 Sen. Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) has declared that pro-life opinions are “not acceptable” and compared them to the views held by bigots, arguing, “Imagine saying that it’s okay to appoint a judge who’s racist or anti-Semitic or homophobic.” Gillibrand has all kinds of interesting hot takes.
  • Declaring the debate over on abortion is an interesting tactic, especially because she followed that up with an embarrassing interpretation of the premise of “the separation of church and state,” adding she “respect[s] the rights of every American to hold their religious beliefs true to themselves, but our country and our Constitution has always demanded that we have a separation of church and state.”

3. Asylum seekers don’t show up for court

  • On Tuesday, acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan revealed just how few asylum seekers show up for their hearings after crossing the southern border.
  • McAleenan said it does depend on the demographic, but out of the 7,000 cases involved in the recently conducted DHS pilot program with family units, 90% didn’t show up for their hearings and they are prevented from getting effective immigration enforcement results since family units can’t be held longer than 21 days and they don’t receive a court ruling for years.

2. Doug Jones would like liberals to stop helping him

  • The spokesperson for progressive group Democracy for America, Neil Sroka, spoke very highly of U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) on Tuesday to the Huffington Post, saying, “On issues from choice to Trump’s racist border wall, he’s had more guts and shown a greater commitment to justice than Joe Manchin.”
  • The Senate Leadership Fund was quick to issue a response to Sroka’s comments, saying that they are “in total agreement” and continued on to state that they wish to further highlight Jones’ far-left views to his Alabama constituents.

1. Trump and Biden have a slap-fight in Iowa

  • In what could be a preview of where America is heading in 2020, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden held a series of events where they took each other to task for their failures and personality flaws to the glee of cable news and talk radio hosts everywhere.
  • President Trump called Biden “weak mentally” and slammed his latest flip-flops while Biden called the president of the United States an “existential threat” and incorrectly stated he called white supremacists “very fine people.”

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