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7 Things: The caravan from Central America grows as Rep. Byrne wants to build the wall, Maddox campaign somehow gets more desperate, racist fliers are back in Alabama politics and more …

7. The fight over transgender bathrooms and other petty silliness is back

— The Trump administration is attempting to define sex as the gender with which one was born with and would not be changed by the desire of the individual to do so.

— #WontBeErased was trending on Twitter as people declared their support for transgender people as the self-declared “Party of Science” declared this another outrage. But in reality, this would just roll back aggressive Obama policies pushed down on schools.

6. The Alabama Democratic Conference is attempting to shake down candidates in the state for $25,000 each

— Alabama Democratic Conference Chairman Joe Reed sent a letter to “Democratic Candidates Seeking Office on November 6, 2018” seeking up to $25,000 from each one to cover their “fair share” of costs to get the ADC to help them with their elections.

— Reed threatened “grave risk to their campaigns” if the candidates were to be seen as “withholding GOTV money.” The ADC claims the fees will cover the printing of mock ballots and the distribution of said ballots in churches, barber shops, beauty shops and at polling places.

5. Early voting is showing big turnout with some states seeing presidential level turnout

— More than 5 million Americans have already voted and the early numbers show that Democrats are turning out earlier in bigger numbers than Republicans are.

— The early numbers lead most experts to predict that we are heading towards a really big midterm turnout. In competitive states like Indiana, Georgia and Florida, early voting is at or near 2016 levels.

4. The screaming about voter suppression will never stop as long as a lapdog media continues rewarding baseless allegations — The lack of evidence doesn’t matter

— Congressional candidate Mallory Hagan continues her attempts to make herself relevant by pretending she is fighting for all those who have been scrubbed from the voting rolls right before an election.

— There have been zero cases of legally registered voters not being able to cast ballots in Alabama. Not one politician or media outlet can present a single case, but none of that matters.

3. Fliers directed for black people in Alabama are hitting mailboxes declaring the Republican agenda is to “Make America White Again

— Groups called Vote or Die, the S.O.S. Movement for Justice & Democracy and the Alabama New South Coalition are sending racially charged fliers to black voters misinforming them that Gov. Kay Ivey, Attorney General Steve Marshall and Republican legislators are supporting hate crimes and a racist agenda.

— This is hardly a fringe ploy. Alabama State Senator Hank Sanders is sharing these fliers and messages on social media. The New South Coalition is endorsing Walt Maddox for governor. These are mainstream Alabama Democrat politicians and Maddox’s campaign would not denounce.

2. Something … something … emails

— The Walt Maddox campaign and Alabama Political Reporter have unearthed archived emails from the state archives where they are supposed to be archived and are claiming there is something nefarious afoot with no evidence of any wrongdoing.

— The emails are mostly about the governor’s schedule and appear to be kept in accordance with Alabama law, which was admitted by the Maddox campaign. But that won’t stop people from claiming “it looks bad.”

1. As the caravan from Central America grows, Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne is trying to get the wall built

— As much as the media wants to tell you the group will shrink, or not get to our border, the mob continue to grow and they continue to move. They are now closer and 7,500 strong.

— Byrne has put forth a bill that would use the budget reconciliation process to put up $25 billion for a border wall. The bill is co-sponsored by 15 House Republicans and allows the GOP to pass wall funding with a simple majority vote if both chambers pass a budget and survive other parliamentary measures.

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