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7 Things: Mueller/Cohen news, government reunites illegals and their kids inside the U.S., Alabama Governor Ivey is 3rd most popular governor in America, and more …

1. Robert Mueller’s Russian interference probe is looking at Tweets to find obstruction of justice, which is not collusion

— In a sign that the special counsel probe may be running out of gas, the New York Times is reporting that Mueller is now “scrutinizing tweets and negative statements” regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former F.B.I. director James Comey.

— Late breaking news last night alleges Michael Cohen is reportedly talking about Trump and company knowing about the meeting with Russians at Trump Tower.

2. The United State government and immigration agencies have reunited families, unless the adults are criminals

— The federal government has met the court deadline to reunite illegal immigrant families after the outrage over the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration.  The reunification process includes a return to the catch and release policies of the past.

— The government still holds 711 children but it is because their parents have criminal records; 431 parents of those children have been deported. An additional 120 parents have decided to send their children to relatives in the U.S. while they continue through the court system.

3. How Americans will be counted is now open for discussion; Attorney General Steve Marshall and Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) don’t want illegals counted

— The federal government is now accepting comments about the 2020 Census. This includes comments on how individuals without legal status are counted.  Currently, they are included in the calculation when assigning representation based on population.

— Marshall and Brooks are attempting to stop the state from losing an Electoral vote and a Congressional seat to more illegal friendly states like California, who will gain a seat if illegals are counted.  For every 700,000 illegals counteda Congressional seat and Electoral vote is stolen from Americans.

4. Gov. Kay Ivey is America’s 3rd most popular governor, her opponent’s campaign continues to try to attack her

— As the media’s golden child Walt Maddox continues to seek attention and debates, Gov. Ivey continues to crush him in polls and rank in the top three of governors across the nation.

— In retrospect, Governor Robert Bentley was one of the least popular Governor’s toward the end of his term.

5. Facebook takes the biggest one-day hit in stock market history as it loses 20% of its value

— Facebook’s value dropped $120 billion yesterday; the CEO lost $15 billion. Shares fell 19% because Mark Zuckerberg said the company will focus on data security and not sales.

— This drop is obviously related to the perceived role Facebook played in the 2016 election, but if anything, it showed that their advertising works.

6. 55 Korean War dead are retrieved from North Korea

—The remains of Americans flew out of North Korea this morning, a mission that was shrouded in mystery with the Pentagon unsure if it would be successful.  An American C-17 crossed the DMZ and landed in North Korea to receive the remains and returned to Seoul an hour later.

— The recovery of the remains was part of an attempt by both leaders to repair relations between the two countries. After the remains left North Korea Trump tweeted his thanks to Kim Jong Un.

7. House wanted to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Attorney General Sessions and Speaker Paul Ryan come to his defense

— Early Thursday, Rep. Mark Meadows and others attempted to impeach the Deputy AG before tabling the motion and saying that he will go after Rosenstein for contempt if the DOJ won’t turn over the documents he wants.

— The idea that this raises to the level of high-crimes and misdemeanors was called in to question by AG Sessions and Speaker Paul Ryan.  Sessions said the deputy AG has his “highest confidence.”

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