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7 Things: Mo Brooks says Pelosi, Schumer have ‘American blood’ on their hands over shutdown, Trump slows his roll on Syria, AG Steve Marshall has protesters come to his house and more …

7. Louis C.K. returned to the world of standup comedy and was immediately told his jokes’ subjects were off-limits

— The disgraced comedian was trying out material in a new set that was leaked to the Internet. That set included jokes about the Parkland student activists and transgender people.

— A torrent of social media outrage, some coming from other comedians, hit the Internet demanding that modern comedy be socially progressive, as opposed to funny.

6. Senator Elizabeth Warren has no reservations about running for president

— Warren isn’t the first Democrat to officially announce the formation of an exploratory committee.Julian Castro was first, but she is probably one of the bigger names that will attempt to challenge President Donald Trump if she can get through the 40-plus other challengers.

— Warren, who was widely mocked for releasing DNA test results that blew up her entire heritage claim, was dismissed by the president when he was asked beating her. He said, “Well, that I don’t know, you’d have to ask her psychiatrist.”

5. More tear gas was used on attempted illegal immigrants as they stormed the United States’ border with Mexico; Media downplays cop killed by illegal and those who helped him evade police

— The tear gas was used to repel about 150 individuals, some that were trying to breach a fence and others who were throwing rocks are border guards. Border patrol detained 25, while the rest slithered back to Mexico through a hole under the fence

— Less than a week ago, an immigrant police officer lost his life to an illegal immigrant while making a traffic stop. The sheriff of Stanislaus County said California’s sanctuary status made capturing the criminal harder, explaining, “We were prohibited — law enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws that led to the encounter with Officer Singh.”

4. While the focus has been on kids who died while crossing the border and the plight of children in U.S. custody, the dangers of the trip and health issues illegal immigrants bring with them have been largely ignored

— The media has focused like a laser on the trials and tribulations of illegal immigrant children and their treatment once they are caught with their parents in the country. Even as some admit they thought the children would help them get across the border, the implication is that stopping them is inhumane.

— Ignored in this biased coverage is the fact that 400 people died trying to enter the United States in 2018 and the children that made it are seriously ill, with 50 people a day needing urgent medical care for tuberculosis, flu and pregnancy.

3. Attorney General Steve Marshall has protesters show up at his house — he rightly ignores them

— After their leader was banned from the Riverchase Galleria about a dozen people showed up to Marshall’s neighborhood where they walked through the neighborhood for about an hour with bullhorns chanting “Recuse yourself” and “Hands up, don’t shoot.” There is no sign Marshall even acknowledged this absurd behavior.

— Marshall took over the case from the newly elected Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr after Carr pointed out conflicts of interest. Protesters then claimed Marshall had a conflict as well, but they were lying.

2. President Donald Trump appears to be slowing his withdrawal of troops from Syria

— President Trump’s ally, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced he felt better about the president’s position after a meeting at the White House. Graham said, “I think we’re in a pause situation where we are reevaluating what’s the best way to achieve the president’s objective of having people pay more and do more.”

— The criticism from within the White House and the Republican Party over the hasty withdrawal, which cost the president his Defense Secretary appears to have worked to change the president’s position, which initially called for a 30-day withdrawal.

1. Shutdown goes on, Trump shows signs of compromise while Pelosi vacations in Hawaii

— Trump, who some say won’t budge as others try to negotiate a deal, spent the holidays in Washington working, while the next-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spent her holidays vacationing in Hawaii while her staff has continued to release press statements over the shutdown. They will meet today.

— Congressman Mo Brooks puts the blame on Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Pelosi, saying they have “American blood” on their hands for refusing to work on border security. Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) says “Nobody’s gonna win this kind of game. Nobody wins in a shutdown. We all lose and we kind of look silly.”

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