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7 Things: Media downplays Musk bombshell; Alabamians rush to Georgia; and more …

7. Trump makes a strange argument for ending the U.S. Constitution

  • For some reason, former President Donald Trump decided to attempt to ride the news cycle surrounding the releasing of evidence that social media giant Twitter was colluding with Democrats to silence news of Hunter Biden’s laptop by calling for the end of the U.S. Constitution. 
  • Instead of taking the day off and letting the news play out, Trump took to his fake Twitter and said, “A massive fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the constitution.” Obviously, this was roundly condemned and mocked.

6. Mississippi is getting rid of its income tax; Alabama is not

  • As Alabama lawmakers are preparing to debate changes in the tax code or offer up tax rebates, neighboring state Mississippi is ready to eliminate its state income tax altogether.
  • Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said his plan is “feasible, practical, and does not require cutting current state expenditures.” The plan would see the 4% tax rate phased out 1% a year for four years.

5. Oil executive warns of crisis 

  • President Joe Biden used the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a political tool to lower gas prices during the 2022 midterm election season and the American Petroleum Institute president and CEO Mike Sommers is now calling out the president.
  • In a reference to Biden’s energy policies, Sommers said, ” I think doing this willy-nilly and doing it in a way that that doesn’t make sense for the market we’re in, we could be dealing with another major oil crisis here in the next few weeks.” He also hit Biden for claiming he has issued permits for drilling so the oil and gas companies could drill for more oil if they wanted too, saying, “This is such a myth, and it’s been debunked multiple times, but the administration continues to use it. They make it seem like as soon as you get a lease that you can start drilling on that property.”

4. Morality Police disbanded

  • The Iranian regime’s “Morality Police” have been the target of Iranian protests over the last few weeks after Mahsa Amini died in their custody after being arrested for not wearing her headcover. The protests started over the hijab but have morphed into a call for regime change.
  • The country’s Attorney General Mohammad Jafar Montazeri says they are now going to disband the force that is responsible for enforcing Islamic codes. Some in Iran are disrupting this assertion.

3. Bama misses out

  • Alabama will not be in the College Football Playoff for only the second time in six years, their landing in the Sugar Bowl will probably see a lot of key players sit out that game.
  • Head Coach Nick Saban tried and failed to argue that his team should be in the playoffs because they ended the season 3-0 after losses to LSU and Tennessee.  Florida is unranked but will be playing in the Las Vegas Bowl for some reason.

2. 2022 campaign enters the final week, finally

  • The last remaining campaign of 2022 is going to end Tuesday as Georgia voters decide to either keep the U.S. Senate at a 50-50 tie or give Democrats the 51 senators they believe will allow them to change Senate rules. Alabama Democrats and Republicans are spending time and money in the state in order to try to influence that election.
  • Former U.S. Sen. Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook) and his obnoxiously-named group, “Right Side of History PAC” have rented out buses to send Alabama Democrats to Georgia. While Republicans such as Joan Reynolds and her “Mighty Alabama Strike Force” are knocking on doors in the Peach State.

1. Elon Musk drops the bomb, media continues to ignore it

  • Elon Musk’s long-awaited release of documents related to Twitter’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story has happened. The suppression that gave the media cover for ignoring it, proved that the tech company was working with Democrats to spike the story and couldn’t even come up with a solid reason internally.
  • Some in the media are calling this a “leak” for some reason and are claiming that these communications can not be verified even though the CEO of the company is doing it and no one has alleged they are false. Many in the media have declared the journalist who wrote the story, Matt Taibbi, is “doing PR for the world’s richest man.”

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