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7 Things: Major push for gun control after mass shooting, Mo Brooks spars with Fox News host and more …

7. Taking action against aggression toward Alabama company 

  • U.S. Senators Richard Shelby (R-Tuscaloosa) and Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) last week sent a letter to President Joe Biden about the decision of the Mexican government to shut down Birmingham-based Vulcan Materials Company.
  • The letter says, “[R]ecent actions by President López Obrador and officials in his government threaten to undermine the confidence of U.S. businesses in Mexico as a viable, predictable marketplace and destination for investment.” They went on to add, “[T]he Mexican government has taken numerous arbitrary and punitive actions against Vulcan, illustrating increasingly protectionist and anti-competitive policies that disregard the rule of law.”

 6. Canada will ban handguns, highlighting the importance of the Second Amendment

  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he would “implement national freeze on handgun ownership.” This will be a complete ban on handguns in the country.
  • Trudeau stated, “We recognize that the vast majority of gun owners use them safely and in accordance with the law, but other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.”

 5. Coronavirus is here to stay 

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the coronavirus would not be disappearing any time soon. He advised, “We’re going to be dealing with this virus on a chronic basis.” Fauci went on to state, “We really hope … it will reach a level low enough that it doesn’t disrupt us to the extent that it has over the past couple of years.”
  • Coronavirus may be surging across the globe, and in Alabama, but the impact has been significantly weakened by both treatment and degradation of the virus. Hospitalizations are also up in the state but still very low, and even though numbers are six times higher than this time last year, deaths are still down.

 4. Biden uses Memorial Day speech to highlight Ukrainian efforts 

  • During his Memorial Day speech at Arlington Cemetery, President Joe Biden addressed the war in Ukraine, saying, “Russia is once more waging a war of aggression to snuff out freedom and democracy, the very culture and identity of neighboring Ukraine.”
  • Biden added, “Freedom has never been free. Democracy has always required champions. Today, in the perennial struggle for democracy and freedom, Ukraine and its people are on the front line fighting to save their nation.”

3. Brooks spars with Fox News host over election and guns control 

  • U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) recently commented on the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, saying the reason for the increase in mass shootings had nothing to do with gun laws. This weekend, Brooks spoke to “Fox News Sunday” anchor Sandra Smith and touched on that issue again. He said the real issue was a  “decline in moral values, the decline in respect for human life.” Brooks added that the country needed to address “mental health issues.”
  • On the topic of the 2020 election, Brooks was adamant that the media’s refrain of “there is no proof of election fraud” was false and told Smith, “You just made a false statement.” He added, “Elections are going to be stolen if we don’t fix these problems.”

 2. Law enforcement botched the Uvalde mass shooting response

  • The chain of events during the mass shooting at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, continues to unfold with the decisions by Peter Arredondo, the chief of police for the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, under scrutiny. His reticence to take down the suspect continues to be shown, and it has been reported the fatal shot on the suspect by a SWAT-like team of agents from U.S. Customs and Border Protection was against his orders as he was still telling them to stand down.
  • The police chief in charge of the disastrous handling of this tragic case is actually a councilman-elect on the city council, and it seems unlikely that he will be seated.

1. Joe Biden’s ignorance undercuts his gun control case

  • President Joe Biden has stated his views on the Second Amendment as calls for gun control grow and concerns the amendment could be threatened are proving more and more founded. Biden declared, “The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute.” He also repeated the false claim, “You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed.” The president added a new false claim about 9mm blowing the lung out of victims while also suggesting banning them.
  • Biden later said, “I think things have gotten so bad that everybody’s getting more rational, at least that’s my hope.” His hope for compromise might be damaged by his foolish comments.

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