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7 Things: Maddox attacks Alabama, could be as many as 15,000 troops at the border, national Democrats feel the momentum as early turnout surges and more …

7. Democrat campaigns have been busted attempting to mislead people in Missouri, Tennessee, Arizona and now Florida

 — An undercover video from James O’Keefe and Project Veritas exposed another Democrat campaign full of deception. Staffers for Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum let their guard down and told an undercover journalist the truth, saying, “Gillum is a progressive” and “He is a part of the crazy, crazy, crazies.” The staffer also said that their election strategy is “You whip ’em up. The poor, the middle income. You have to whip them up into a frenzy in order for them to vote.”

— The comments come from Omar Smith, who works on the campaign and went to college with Gillum. But like the other lying campaigns caught trying to deceive voters, the stories do not receive mainstream attention unless one of O’Keefe’s journalists are busted undercover.

6. Across the country, Democrats tried to hide their position on guns — But in the South, some candidates in Alabama and Georgia are a little bit more honest

— Staffers for Democrats like Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) have been caught on video saying she is hiding her true positions, and she is not the only one. But Alabama Democratic Congressional candidate Peter Joffrion and Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams are being more honest about their anti-gun views.

— Speaking to “The View,” Abrams told the hosts that she would work to ban semi-automatic rifles and was cagey about whether she would send police to go door-to-door to confiscate them from citizens — although she sponsored a bill saying she would.

5. If a Democrat says something racial, he can apologize and move on — Republicans can’t even criticize minorities – as Democratic campaigns admit using “white guilt” as a tactic

— In the past week, Don Lemon slammed all white men on CNN. New York Times Editorial Board member Mary Gay slammed all white people on MSNBC, Hillary Clinton said, “They all look alike” about black men and Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) trotted out his minority staffers as trinkets and said they “do good work.” The mainstream blowback was non-existent.

NBC and Megyn Kelly are negotiating her exit because she asked questions about blackface on her network morning show during a conversation about Halloween. She has now been run out of her job and only 26 percent of Americans believe that was appropriate.

4. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says, “We will win” — Recent polling helps make her case

— This will either be a premature victory lap like in 2016 or a situation where the Republicans were always going to lose anyway. Pelosi told CBS’s Stephen Colbert, “What now I’m saying is, ‘We will win, we will win.”

— There is some math that may back up that bravado. The LA Times poll shows Democrats up on Republicans with as big as a 17 point lead amongst likely voters.

3. Voter turnout is up in Alabama and everywhere else — Lies about voter suppression persist

— Counties contacted by the Montgomery Advertiser show some voter activity is up from the 2014 midterms and early voting amongst young people in Georgia and Texas is up to as high as 500 percent. Older voters are up as well, but not as much.

— Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill predicts the turnout will be 35-40 percent, which seems low considering the turnout during the 2014 election in Alabama was 39.8 percent. But the 2016 turnout was 69.8 percent.

2. Trump says the number of troops that could head to the border could be 15,000

— The United States is sending 2,000 National Guard troops and 5,200 active duty soldiers, but that still may not be enough because President Donald Trump told reporters that there could be even more headed to America’s southern border and added, “Nobody’s coming in. We’re not allowing people to come in.”

— The president’s critics say this is a stunt. Secretary of Defense James Mattis says that it absolutely is not a stunt, He stated, “We don’t do stunts in this department.”

1. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Walt Maddox goes negative on the state of Alabama while the economy booms

— Alabama’s economy is booming and unemployment is at an all-time low, but that isn’t stopping the Democrat from attacking the state he wants to represent. He said, “[T]his election is uniquely about the future of this state and whether we want to come out of the shadows of being at or near the bottom in everything that matters. One of the ways we can do that is by passing an education lottery. The other way is expanding Medicaid – creating 30,000 new jobs and enhancing health care across the state.”

— Maddox continues to have no legitimate plan on Medicaid expansion and his lottery plan creates new spending without addressing what he claims are our current needs.

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